Thirty One- Way to find out

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The Alpha's Huntress
2014© Ina Seele
Thirty One- Way to Find Out

Here it is I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Dedicated to

** stelly0 **

Thank you for your votes!



Tyson mind-linked Dimitri right when we saw Charlotte, and he literally ran over here. My wolf wanted her brown hair off her scalp and her eyes hanging off their eye sockets. Oliver gave me a tight hug but in reality, he was trying to keep me away from Charlotte and her smiting, cunning smile.

When Dimitri stepped in I turned around and growled. "Such a pretty frame," I said with an evil smirk.

"Charlotte I didn't know you were coming," my mate said in the middle of both.

"I think someone doesn't like me much."

"Why?" I sarcastically asked, smiling. "It's like you have nothing to do with my mate."

Dimitri walked towards me and lifted me up, one arm around my waist and the other on my ass. "You know I'm yours," he whispered in my ear in such a low whisper it gave me the chills.

I nodded and listened to his heart beat against mine, calming me down. "I don't like her," I complained.

"You don't have to. Just... Don't argue or get into fights. You know, be a nice host. Not that you're not–"

"I get it."

"I don't want to look like an intruder..." Charlotte said.

"I hope Sara meets you," I mumbled. She would do the deed for me.

Dimitri scowled at me, knowing my threat behind my words. "Kenzie will be here soon. You can go to your room."

"She has a room?" I tried not to choke.

"It's Kenzie's best friend Kat, she has a room to stay here."

"Bet you know your way there like she knows her way around."

I knew I had upset him then. Not angry, but rather frustrated. When he opened his mouth to say something, nothing came but rather his hand caressing the bare skin of my back, where the sundress was bare. "I thought I said don't let her wear anything... enhancing, when I'm not around."

I had no idea what he was talking about until I realized, the boys. I gave them a comforting smile and moved my lips closer to Dimitri's ear. "I wore this to save you time from undressing me," I whispered.

I think that comment alone did the job. His eyes swam in gold and blue, lust in his eyes that caused my body to tremble and breathe at a higher rate.


I excitedly ran down the stairs, ignoring all the bows and into the arms of my sisters. They laughed at my excitement, careful not to get tangled in all the golden jewelry I wore.

"I missed you guys," I pouted, letting go and holding their hands.

"I'm never leaving your side again," Sara sighed. "Training or not."

"Crown duties," Kenzie said with a sad look. She was now the Luna of Central America and Mexico, so I gave her hand a light squeeze, I understood Luna duties don't allow room for much personal time.

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