Twenty Four- Change me

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The Alpha's Huntress
2014© Luna Night
Twenty Four- Change Me

This dedication goes to

** im_just_unique7 **

Thanks for the votes and support.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dimitri's POV

I began to shake my head half way her request. "No."

"Why not? I can be one of you and I will be in less risk to die."

"No Sara I can't do that to you."

"Please Dimitri, please for her." She hugged me tighter.

"You think I will tie you to a curse for her? The first thing she'd do is scream bloody hell at me."

"Isn't that worth it? Just to see her scream at you is worth a thousand curses."

I agreed but still, no way in hell. "Did you spoke about this with your mate?"

"No I wanted to speak with you first," she backed up and crossed her arms, chest puffed as if to make a statement. "Dimitri I am giving you the option to agree. I'm doing it wether you want it or not."

"I'm the Alpha, Sara. And I said no."

"That's your final word? No?" I couldn't stand to see the hurt in her gentle green eyes. She was pouting and surely giving me the puppy look. But no. I can't. We don't just bite humans.

"Talk to your mate and lets see what his opinion is," I sighed.

"You guys don't understand! This isn't about what you all think! This is what I want wether you like it or not. It was a long time I chose this, the moment I let Kat walk through my doors," and she looked up to me, pleading. "You must think I haven't thought about it, but Dimitri I have. I have thought about my life, everyone's life, and I am sure this is what I want. What I always wanted to be part of. I am sure I want to be a werewolf."

I stroke her red hair and considered the idea. "I want to hear Estefan's opinion."

"Sure," she said her eyes blocking me out, putting a wall, not showing any emotion– she probably learnt that from her sister, of all the useful things she could've learnt. "But that's not changing anything at all."

"Sara I still love you," I said with a weak smile.

She rolled her eyes but nonetheless smiled and punched the side of my arm playfully. "I love you too."

She stepped back and grabbed one of the weights I was lifting with both hands. "Stephan has to listen to your last word, whether he likes it or not."

I frowned. "You're my sister, he's one of my best fighters, I can't make that choice for you both."

She was about to reply when Stephan walked in. "Tonight," he confirmed.

She went to him and wrapped her arms around him, looking up to him with absolute adoration. Stephan's eyes, which seemed far away and wondering about, returned back to live when she came to him. He put an arm around her waist and smelled her hair and I coughed, go clear the knot in my throat.

"Tonight we attack," Sara said with a smirk, and a glint of anxiety and excitement in her eyes.

Tonight we take a step further into wiping off all vampires. All Aphas around the world have agreed to attack until our Luna is brought back alive. I don't care wether I bring my race to an end but it's worth it, to try and get her back. This war has been going on for months now and Elijah hasn't given up a statement of having Kat or even knowing her whereabouts. I will find her, whatever the cost, I will find Catarina.

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