Thrity Six- The streets

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The Alpha's Huntress
2014© Ina Seele
Thirty Six- The Streets


In his dark alley, behind the secret walls of my bedroom, I could only hear Cassandra and I's heartbeat, and her low, focused exhales.

"Cass he wasn't serious," I tried to reason with her.

She scoffed. "He's a nobody, my Queen. He's just a man. It doesn't take another man to know the filth in his imagination."

"He's my friend!" I exclaimed.

"And Charlotte is the King's friend as well. But we both know that if you were to die, Charlotte would be there to console the King in his time of..." she swallowed hard, "need."

I growled. A growl that, had I been with any other person, would've scared them off. But Cass was a woman, and she spoke from a woman's intuition, knowing I'd understand.

"Dimitri is mine only," I told her.

She must've seen something in my eyes because she put her hands up in defense and obedience. "Yes of course. But, do you understand now, my Luna?"

I took a deep breath, smoothed down my dress, and gave her a nod. The door opened again and Tyler helped me out, to a destroyed bedroom. Cassandra rolled her eyes upon seeing the two men, Oliver and Dylan, on the floor, naked. I went to Oliver first, biting down on my wrist and healing him with my blood.

"Not necessary my Queen," Tyler put my wrist down. "They can heal on their own like everyone else."

"But–" I shut my mouth. He's right. They can heal on their own, it's not fatal. Oliver was the first one to get up, even if his left side of his rib cage was purple, and he went for the kill at Dylan again but Tyler held him back.

"Get dressed," Cassandra, the leader of the Royal Guard and therefore his commander, ordered him.

Dylan got up next but, with a threatening look from Cassandra and my clear disappointment, he grabbed a change of clothes from Tyler and got dressed.

With a shared look between Oliver and Dylan, they got dressed on the spot. Neither could just let it go so words like "swine" and "beast" were thrown around. Both slangs and derogatory terms for lycanthrope.

Of course neither of them didn't like that, and before Cassandra or Tyler could catch it, I stepped in between them and pushed them away from each other. Oliver crashed the sofa and fell over it, while Dylan smacked the headboard of my bed.

Tyson walked in with a few others and of course, all eyes landed on Dylan.

"Take him to the cells," Tyler commanded Tyson.

"No," I shook my head, and Tyson and the others stopped moving. "No one is going to the cells."

"But Luna–" Tyler begun.

"No buts. I dismiss all of you back to your duties," I waved my hand dismissively.

The men bowed and left the room first; Tyler, Cassandra, and Oliver followed, giving Dylan looks that could bury a man alive.

"Touch her, you're dead," Tyler threatened, and the double doors were shut.

I took a deep breath; they care.

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