♝Quattuor- Consūmō♝

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The Alpha's Huntress 2014 ©
Quattuor- Consūmō

Busted. I followed my instinct; I jumped over the counter, then disconnected my phone.

"Don't make this harder," Dimitri said over the counter. "Let's go home."

I laughed at him. Fool.

I turned around, kicked the back door off its hinges and ran. I ran east as fast as possible into the forest.

A few, just a few long minutes of running I found a house very lonely but well taken care of summer home. I just ran in.

Screams were loud as the door flew off.
"Hello my name is Kate i'm so glad to meet you," I said as I shook her hand frantically. "Do you have a charger for my phone?"

She nodded.

"Good now here," and handed her my phone.

She took it and ran away to the stairs.
There was a shirtless man, just him. He was there, watching tv, with a can of beer. His face was red, and he was sweating. It's winter for God's sake.

"Dude you need to work on those calories," I told him.

"I'm not that fat," he grumbled.

"Just obese," I shrugged, feeling Dimitri get closer and closer to me. I looked out the window, then crossed my arms. "My father always told me, 'run from the man that won't chase you'," I said, for no reason. I talked when things got awkward. "Never knew what he meant."

The old fat guy shrugged, "you do know, you just don't want to see."

Dimitri walked in the house with five other men and two women.

"Stay there!" I yelled my daggers in hand.

"You won't hurt me," he laughed.

"I'll cut him up," I said, taking advantage of his home-bound obesity. I felt guilty, nasty, to do this.

"You wouldn't harm a human either," he said in a monotone, testing me, threatening me.

The dude stared at me with fear, fear from the girl in the 21st century in  ninja-like, roman-like armor. I cupped his cheek. Normal warmth. Scared heartbeat. Human. My people.

"I protect my kind from your kind," I whispered, tenderly caressing the man's cheek. My people. My kind. My devotion.

Thanks to the human, I saw he had a hunting rifle right by the sofa. I quickly grabbed it, aimed it, and picked my target.

"Kate, no harm is meant for you," the woman whispered. "Just come with us."

"Run," I whispered, pointing at her head. Between the eyes. A clean shot. A perfect shot. A quick certain death. I breathed heavily, in anger. I felt Dimitri's sadness. I felt it so strongly, I wanted to get rid of him right now and then. But there's no emotional connection without a heart; I shot the woman, the beast.

"Cassandra!" A man shouted, grabbing her on her fall, taking her into his arms.

Her mate.

He slowly laid her down on the floor. Time seemed to have slowed down as we all stared at each other, breathing hard, sweating. The wolf didn't shift, he looked calm, angrily calm. I looked at Dimitri. I looked at Cassandra. I looked at her mate. He ran forward, but he was too angry to defend himself- I killed him too.

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