✯Quīnque- Sternere✯

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The Alpha's Huntress © 2015
Quīnque- Sternere

Odd old notes from 1 1/2 year ago:
So hello again!
XXPhraseloverXX , Thanks for reading my story! I'm gonna start to dedicate chapters to all the active readers I get, and follow them too!
Present AN: I do, still, dedicate chapters ;).

✯ ✯ 2:35 am

I walked inside the old mansion with my cell phone's light on one hand, and on my other hand my silver dagger. I walked up the stairs silently, hearing the screams of a woman, it must be dinner time... I thought back to the humans, the Twilight series, the romantic fantasies based off real cruelty: the "vegan" blood. A vampire cannot consume animal blood, why? It's like eating dirt for a human, from what I know. It weakens them like beaten up slaves. It just, makes them, dry up, like corpses that breathe.

Vampires weren't any less disgusting to me than wolves. I wish they were all Edward Cullen, shiny and vegan, and modern. But they're not. They're disgustingly pale, they do not shine, at all, and they're not cannibals, but they sure as hell like to drink bloody wine. And modern? A grandmother would be a lot more modern, she'd know what a freaking phone is.

Anyways, once I was in the top floor, I leaned against a wall and looked over the edge. He had his teeth so deep into the woman's neck- he could probably feel her pulse against his skin. Vampires were smart, but in dinner time, they're so distracted, they become donkeys.

I turned off my phone's light. Slowly, I went behind him and sank my dagger, with lots of strategy and strength, into his skull. The woman was also, very, very dead. As dry as a mummy.

I didn't had much time. I ran to a big room, not giving a damn if I made sound or no. The best place to get rid of vampires are in big rooms. I found a ballroom and just like I expected, I was surrounded by vampires. Vampires had smaller packs called Clans, they fed and hung out together, always together and defending each other, like a family. Packs were more of a community than a family.

"Lilith," a woman hissed, her fangs out like a serpent's snaring tongue.

"Huntress," a frightened male hissed, fangs out too, hanging upside down from a chandelier. Don't ask me how, but they're not as effected by gravity as we are.

Luck to me, they were only four, and one man was down. I ran around the ballroom, running and fighting small, just making sure the vervain touched their skin, 'till the last survivor was burnt by the sun. They were nocturnal vampires, the rogues. Usually behaved, daylight vampires would've killed me in the snap of their fingers. I'm too unprotected.

Not only did my body hurt physically, but then pain hit me again like a million stones.

I felt a sharp pain in my back, that spread all over my body, so painful I cried out. I tried to get up from the floor, apparently thrown against the wall like a rag doll and when I touched my head, blood was leaking into my palm. I whimpered, holding my tears in; cry, you're human.

No, I am not.

"I'm not," I sobbed, giving up. Fight or flight. No, I am not human. I am a demon, a monster, I am too disconnected from the world, I am too cruel and brutal, I am too heartless and evil to be anything but human, I am what I hate the most.

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