Shadow Walking

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Relaxed. That is what I felt as soon as I fell asleep. Then I was floating upwards. When I opened my eyes, everything around me was black, white, and grey. I thought as I looked at my body on the bed, lying next to Lucifer, am I dreaming or am I awake. Didn't Miss Lillie say that this means my spirit is not attached to my body? She called this Shadow Walking. I get it- I can follow people without them even know I am there. Right? Shaking my head, I smiled. If no one can see me but Miss Lillie, then that means that I am free to wonder around here without getting caught. Oh! I can even find the portal Lucifer was talking about!

I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I wanted to test a theory about ghost walking through walls. But you are not a ghost, Raven, a voice in my head said. I can still try, though, right?

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and took a step towards the wall. When I opened my eyes, my surrounding changed. I was no longer in the room but in the hallway. Yes! This is cool, I thought to myself. Now to get out of here.

I ran through the house, trying to find the portal. I looked through every room, to see if I could find anything that was unusual. Raven, this entire place is unusual, I thought to myself. While I was looking through the rooms for the portal, I noticed how beautiful the place was. The house had a Gothic theme to it. A lot of the furniture in the house was either mahogany or some other type of wood I have never seen before. It was quite beautiful.

When I went down the stairs, I spotted a room to the right. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Shit!" I whispered. I bet that is where the portal is, I growled. Raven, you can walk through walls, remember? A voice in my head, reminded me. Oh yeah! I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and walked towards the wall. I was knocked back by what seemed like an invisible electric field. What the hell? I touched the wall and sure enough, my hand was shocked, and it bounced away from the wall.

I was about to try again when I heard a voice behind me. "Anthony, sir, you are needed in the War Room," the little boy, from earlier said.

I froze, as I turned around, Anthony was looking right at me, but he didn't do anything that indicated that he actually could see me. After a second, Anthony nodded his head and followed the kid. I need to stop calling him the kid. Let's call him Leven, I thought to myself. That seems like a suitable name for him.

I followed Anthony and Leven to the War room. The room was right next to the kitchen. There were already people in the room, when we entered the room. Zaphara was there and so was Mazel. "I guess Lillian Liizel is not coming so let's just-"

Another door in the room, that I did not notice at first, flew open to reveal a hooded woman. "I am here," the figure said as they approached the table. Even though I was seeing in black, white, and grey, this figure had an electric blue color.

The figure pulled down the hoodie and I instantly recognized her. It was Miss Lillie?! I gasped. Even though I knew no one could hear me, Miss Lillie turned her head and I held my breath as she looked my way. She can't see me, right? Wait! She said she could see you when you fell asleep in class. Miss. Lillie gave me a slight smile and winked. She knows that I am here, I thought to myself. I silently hoped that she wouldn't say anything.

"Okay, now that Lillian Liizel is here, this meeting may commence," Zaphara said. "You all may sit, now." Zaphara sat down and the others followed.

"Why have you sent for me?" Miss Lillie asked. "I was in the middle of my meditation session, which you know I need."

Mazel spoke up, "We want to know what Lucifer is planning on doing with the little wrench up in his room."

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