Lunchroom crisis

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By the time lunch rolled around, I was exhausted. It seemed like after Miss Lillie's class, every little thing anyone did, set me off. I personally blame Micheal for being irrational about the whole Festival thing and Miss Lillie for being a delusional psycho. So by the time, lunch came around, I was relieved. I could finally sit down in peace and reflect on my day.

I stood in the lunch line, waiting for my turn when someone bumped into me, making me trip; they caught my arm before I could meet the ground. "Son of a-"

"Nu uh uh, Angel. You don't want to ruin that pretty little mouth of yours with such ugly words," a voice that I was all too familiar with, said.

I shoved him away and glared at him. "Watch where you're going!" I stepped around him and grabbed a tray from the tray line.

"It's hard to watch were I'm going when where I'm going is close to you," he shot me a smile.

"That doesn't even make sense you creep!" I yelled. People started to turn around in the line, looking at us. "Ugh!" I rolled my eyes and tried to push past him. He grabbed my arm and I instantly shoved him into the wall. "Leave me alone," I hissed before I pushed past him.

When it came my turn to get my lunch, I grabbed a plastic contain that held salad in it and a water. Now, I'm not a stereotypical girl who is obsessed with eating healthy to maintain a certain weight. No, I would much rather eat an entire pizza by myself or spaghetti or even ribs. I just grabbed a salad and water because they are the cheapest thing to buy at our school.

When I got to the register, I punched in my lunch number and started to walk away.

"Um....sorry love," the lunch lady said, stopping me, "your account need more money for you to get this." She smiled sympathetically at me, which pissed me off.

"What?!" I snapped. "I should have enough money for today."

"Not according to this, sweetheart. I can give you the water but not the salad. You could charge your lunch, though. It's only $1.25 for the salad."

Glaring at her, I snapped, "No thank you." I thrusted the salad at her as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around, "What?"

Lucifer took a step back and smiled at me. "Here, my treat." He holds out a twenty dollar bill.

"No," I frown at him. "I am not taking that. I am not a charity case." Besides, I am not crazy: I am not going to take money from a stranger I barely know. Even if it was Mich- No. Nope. Not going to think about him.

I take my water and stomp to my table. Just my luck. I end up without lunch today. It's not like my day is a shitty one already. Now I have to go without lunch after I skipped breakfast.

Sighing, I sat down at the same table I have claimed as my table at the beginning of the year and opened my backpack and got out my notebook and a pencil. I opened to a new page and started writing my log. My logs were simple. I just wrote about new events that happened each day, random things I wanted to remember or even dreams that I have recently had. No, it is not a diary. It is just something I feel compelled to do.

Log #764

Ever since my day started, it has gone down hill. I personally blame these people: Micheal, Miss Lillie and even Lucifer. They are all crazy and should be evaluated for some crazy disorder.

I believe that Micheal is being irrational about the whole Fall Festival thing. Yes, I know I shouldn't have reacted the way I reacted, but still. He could've tried to be a little more reasonable.

With Miss not get me started. I think that she is taking some kind of medicine that causes her to hallucinate. I really am considering raising a concern to the front office to have her tested. She talks about the Devil and Angels and other creatures that just do not exist. I don't know if she is trying to scare me or if she is just really crazy....Maybe she escaped from a mental institution? Got to check that out.

Now to Lucifer: I don't really know what to think about him...He is a different breed. He acts like he is a bad boy, yet I don't really see that when I am around him (in my classes). I am conflicted about his presence. Every time I am around him, I find myself irritated. He just seems to get under my skin. Nobody has ever been able to do that. When I am not around him, I find myself thinking about him. It is like-

I gaps as I suddenly stop writing. It is as Miss Lillie

"Hey Raven! Are you okay?" I looked up to see a girl from my Science class standing next to the table with her tray. She looks familiar...

"Um...yeah? Why?" I don't really know her name, just that she is in my class. I don't bother learning people's names but they seem to learn mine. How very weird...I know  I know her from somewhere. Her clothing was all black and so were her makeup and hair. The only thing that didn't belong were her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of light blue.

"Well, considering the fact that you snapped at the teacher, you just stomped from Chemistry to the lunch room, then from the lunch line to the table," the girl said.

"Where do I know you from?" I blurted. I didn't mean to, it was just bothering me, though.

The girl looked offended for a moment then she said, "Chemistry Class?"

I shook my head. "No, I have seen you somewhere else..."

"Oh, yeah. At the Fall Festival. I'm Zaphara. I controlled the ride you and Micheal were on."

"Oh yeah," I said. "You're the girl who threatened to rip my 'pretty little face to shreds' if I didn't get out of your face." I folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Oh well that was the past. That was before I knew who you really were, "Zaphara smirked.

Sighing, I raised an eyebrow, "What am I really?"

"Oh you know," she dropped her voice to a whisper, "you're the One because you know, you're not human."

Now, I know that her saying something like that shouldn't have pissed me off, but it did. "I swear, if one more person says anything about me being 'the One' or that I am not human I am going to bitch slap you all!" I stood up from the table and grabbed my notebook. "You all are crazy and need to be checked out."

At that moment, I noticed that Zaphara was saying she was chanting something. I couldn't understand it so I guess it wasn't in English.

"That's it! I'm done with you. You need to stop it this instant!"

Zaphara stopped chanting and walked away. She is such an odd person. I sat back down at my table and closed my eyes, I was starting to develop a headache. I swear people these days are getting weirder and weirder.

The cafeteria suddenly got really quiet and I got suspicious so I opened my eyes. When I did, I jumped. With my heart pounding, I looked around the cafeteria and noticed that I was seeing about Like when I thought I saw Caleb as a demon at the festival.

Everyone was talking to each other and acting like everything was normal but this is not normal!

My heart started pounding harder, when I closed my eyes and reopened them. The image did not change. What the Hell  am I seeing?

Freaking out, I stood up and collected my notebook and pen. I started to leave and as I did, I screamed. There was an explosion of pain behind my eyes. That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out.


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