Miss Lillie

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When the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff, and coffee cup and I bolted out of the class. I was so mad that I did not even stop to talk to Michael. I needed to get out of that class, fast.

Lucifer, for the rest of the class, kept looking at me. It was extremely creepy and I really wanted to stake him. It was as if he had nothing better to do. What had he hoped to gain from staring at me? I need to see if I can get him transferred out of that class.

I shook my head as I made my way to my next class: Creative Writing. This month we were talking about poetry: one of my favorite subjects. When I found out that we were going to be reading and writing poetry this month, you could imagine my excitement. I am, according to others, excellent at writing poetry. In grade school, I had about six of my poems published in the school newspaper.

When I reached my Creative Writing class, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, and then I entered the room. "Good morning, Miss-" I stopped short and my coffee slipped out of my hand (there was only a sip left in the cup) when I saw who was in my class. There, sitting in my seat, was none other than Lucifer. I cleaned up the mess and then I stomped over to my seat.

"Hello Miss Hunter." Lucifer nodded.

"You," I started, gritting my teeth. "are in my seat. "

"Really?" Lucifer stood up and looked at the seat. "I do not see your name anywhere on this seat. Why don't you sit in that seat?" He sat down and then pointed to the seat next to him.

"I will not sit in that seat. This is my assigned seat, and you will move." I put my stuff on the ground and I folded my arms. "Can you move?"

Lucifer sighed and then stood up. "Here, you can have your seat." Lucifer picked the desk up and then traded it with the other seat next to him. "Now you have your seat." He said as he sat down.

Disgusted, I sat down as the class bell rang. About three seconds later, Miss Lillie, our teacher (who just turned 23) sauntered in, already talking. "Guess what class! Today we have a new student!" Miss Lillie scanned the class and her eyes landed on Lucifer and then me.

"Miss Hunter," Miss Lillie started, frowning, " you do know that that is not your seat, right?" Miss Lillie asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I do know that. But Lucifer, decided to sit in my seat." I replied.

"Actually, Ma'am, she is sitting in her seat. " Miss Lillie raised an eyebrow and Lucifer continued. "You see, I switched the desk that Raven usually sits in with this desk. So technically, Raven is sitting in her seat." Lucifer smiled at Miss Lillie, I guess trying to charm her.

Miss Lillie narrowed her eyes at Lucifer, and for a split second, the class held their breaths, waiting for her to explode, but she didn't. Instead, she started laughing. "That, I have to admit, is pretty smart: changing a person's seat with another seat." Miss Lillie introduced Lucifer, apologized to me, and then started teaching class.


"Remember class, your poems are due on Monday. To refresh your minds, you are to write and read your poem to the class. You do not read you poems you get a zero. Is that understood?" The class answered her, but not before grumbling their complaints. "Good! Well, I will see you all tomorrow. Class dismissed." Miss Lillie walked to her desk and sat down. The class piled their papers on the corner of her desk before exiting the room.

I hurried out of my chair to make it to my next class, when the bell rang signifying the start of third block. There was no way that he was in my next class. I almost made it out the door when Miss Lillie called, not only my name, but also Lucifer's name.

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