Not Human

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“Raven. Raven, wake up,” a voice commanded while I was being shook. “Raven, please wake up.”
I opened my eyes to find Miss Lillie standing over me.

“Thank God. I thought you were going to be stuck for a while,” Miss Lillie whispered, as the last person filed out of the room.

“What do you mean?” I asked.
Miss Lillie gave me a concerned look. “Raven, don’t you realize where you’re at?”

I looked around and shook my head.

“You-you’re on the floor, Raven. One minute you were sitting at your desk, the next minute you’re in the floor. Would you like to tell me what you were dreaming about?”

“Wha-” I looked around
and realized that she was right. "How did I end up on the floor?”

“You tell me dear,” Miss Lillie extended her hand. I took her hand as I got up off the floor. I felt a little dizzy and I put my hand on the desk next to me to steady myself.

“Oh.” I whispered as I ran my hand through my hair and then I winced. “Ouch.” I had a knot on the top of my head. “What the-?”

Miss Lillie’s eyes widened as she looked at my hand. “Raven…what is that in your hand?”

That’s when I noticed that I was clutching a piece of paper in my hand. I knew what it was without even look “Oh, um…” I handed her the paper. “I found this in my locker earlier.”

Miss Lillie took the paper and started to read it. When she finished, she was pale. “Raven, what did you dream about?”
I took a deep breath and told her.
By the time I finished telling her my dream, Miss Lillie was completely pale, all color gone from her face. “Do you know what this means?” Miss Lillie asked me.

“That I didn’t get enough sleep last night?” I joked.

“No Raven. That is not what that means,” Miss Lillie frowned. She shook her head, walked to the door and locked it. Then she motioned me to the front. “Raven I am going to tell you something and I need you not to say anything until I finish. Okay?”

I studied Miss Lillie for a second, wondering why all the happiness and light had gone from her eyes, then I shrugged and sat down at a desk in the front row.

Miss Lillie closed her eyes and inhaled before she continued. “Raven you are special and not the kind of special that parents tell their kids they are. No, you are special because you-” she stopped abruptly, thinking about how to say her next sentence, “Raven, you are special because you’re not really human.”

My mouth dropped open when I heard her tell me this. I mean what? I studied Miss Lillie for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out if she was actually serious. It seemed like she was. That was when I burst out laughing. “And here I thought you were going to give me detention for cussing in class,” I stood up from the desk and shook my head. “Miss Lillie you really scared me for a minute.”

Miss Lillie, not seeming amused, narrowed her eyes. “Miss Hunter! Sit back down. I am not done talking to you.”

Surprised by her outburst, I complied. I shook my head, rolling my eyes. This is why you shouldn’t be so happy and funny all the time. People don’t know when to take you so seriously.

“Fine,” I said. “I’m listening.”
Miss Lillie raised her hand to silence me. She said nothing for a several seconds before her eyes lit up in a mischievous way. “Raven?”

Sighing, I replied, “Yes, Miss Lillie?”

“How is your head?”

Frowning, I ran my hands through my hair. “It’s fine. Why do you- Ow!” I hissed. I had a knot on the top of my head. “What the-”

Smiling, Miss Lillie said, “Raven when you were asleep, you were mumbling. It sounded like you were having a conversation with yourself. When the children started snickering and gathered around you, that is when I noticed. I got up from my desk and I tried to wake you up but couldn’t. When I touched your skin, you were really cold and when I opened one of your eyelids, your eye was completely black. Raven, I may not be an expert, but trust me when I say that what you were doing was not human?”

I decided to play along with Miss Lillie for a bit. “Really?”

“Yes,” Miss Lillie nodded her head. “Raven, shortly after you fell asleep, my tattoo,” Miss Lillie moved her hair away from her neck and surely, on the back of her neck, near her hairline, was a tattoo of an symbol that looked like an infinity sign, “started to heat up. It only does then when a spirit is near. The color of the classroom changed; the entire room turned grey. Of course, I am the only one who noticed this since I’m a fate. Everyone else was completely obvious as they went on talking about being rowdy like they always are. When I looked up, there, as clear as day, was you sitting in your chair and your spirit standing right next to you. After you looked at yourself, you just walked through the door. A few minutes later, after everyone in the room was gathered around you, watching you, you just fell out of your desk and your spirit instantly hurled towards you and you woke up.”

By the time Miss Lillie finished her flashback, my mouth was completely open. She must think I’m stupid if I am going to believe a word she is saying. “Are you serious? You literally think I am going to believe this bullshit! This whole thing about, ‘I am not human and my spirit can wonder through doors and come back to me and you can see spirits.’ What’s next? There are actually angels and demons in this world? Oh! Or even how Lucifer and Micheal aren’t really humans? They’re actually the people the Bible mentions?” I spat. 

“Well…” Miss Lillie bit her bottom lip. “Actually that is tr-”

That was it! I was so fed up with people these days. Everyone around me acting so weird and telling me crap that is not true. I am totally done and anyone who brought this shit up again was going to know it. “Miss Lillie, I think you’re delusional and you need help. You cannot just go around telling people that they’re not human and you’re a so-called ‘Fate’. That kind of talking is what gets people thrown in the mental institution.” Miss Lillie opened her mouth, ready to speak, but I cut her off. “I can’t believe that you would try to make me believe in this bullshit.
Seriously! I am going to walk out of this class and go to my next class. When I return tomorrow I would appreciate it if you did not mention this crap to me again.”

With that, I stormed out the classroom, making sure to slam the door behind me. Then I made my way to my next class: Chemistry.


After making you all wait for almost a month, I am excited to update this chapter for you all. I know it is not the best- trust me, I know- but at least I updated.

I want to remind you all that I believe that every chapter in this book is vital to the entire book. This means that this chapter is actually important.
-What do you all think about what Miss Lillie told Raven? Do you believe her?

-If you were Raven, would you believe Miss Lillie?

- Do you believe the way Raven acted towards Miss Lillie was called for?
I have decided that I am going update this book, or try to update it, every Sunday. Which is kind of Ironic. You know, updating this book whic contains a guy named Lucifer on Sundays. 😂
Anyways, expect the next update next Sunday.

Bye my Beautiful Riverians!



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