Just a Dream

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WARNING: This chapter contains some vulgar language, and sexual innuendos that might be offensive to some readers. Viewer discretion advised! 


I make my way up the stairs to the old building, with no idea of where I was going, or what I was doing. When I got to the end of the steps, a door greeted me. I pushed open the door and stepped outside. The air was crisp, and the clothes that I had on did not offer me much protection.

Standing at the edge of the building, was a guy with midnight black hair. I see him take a step towards the edge of the building and I whisper to myself, "He's going to jump." I quickly, but quietly make my way towards him. When I am about a couple of feet from him, I grab his hand, pulling him back. Like he was surprised, he jumped and turned to face me with a start. I gasped when the guy turned his head and smiled at me. There, standing in front of me, was Lucifer.

"You're here," he said.

"This is my dream, so it would make since that I would be here." Lucifer looked at our touching hands and raised an eyebrow. As quickly as I grabbed his hand, I released it. I folded my hands in front of my chest and asked, "Why are you here?"

Lucifer, shrugged his shoulder. "You tell me. Like you said, this is your dream." Smirking, he looked me up and down. "Maybe you were hoping to get some alone time." When I raised an eyebrow, he sighed and continued, "You just can't get enough of me at school, so you have to dream about me so you can get a one-on-one session." He stepped away from the edge of the building and took a step towards me. "Oh, by the way, cute dress. It looks really good on you."

I look down at my clothes. I was wearing my favorite black dress. It was a really plain black dress, but it looked really cute on me. The dress hugged every curve on my body and the length stops just below my knees.

"Maybe though, you should have gotten a shorter dress. You know, one that shows that cute little booty of yours when you bend over."

Throwing my hands up in the air, I replied, "It's unbelievable! Even in my dreams not only can I not get away from you, but you seem to still make the same remarks!"

"Well, what do you expect from a guy as sexy as me?"

Shaking my head I said, "Well, I wish I could say it was a pleasure by I would be lying so I think I am going to go." I look behind me to see the door, and I take a step towards the door.

"Stop!" he yelled and I stopped walking. "You need to remember," he barely whispered. Fear started to well up inside of me.

I spun around and faced him. "What?" I whisper.

"You need to know the truth. You need to remember," he said.

That little moment, that little phrase, "You need to remember" made me aware that I did not want to finish this dream. "I need to wake up," I whisper to myself.  I try all the methods of waking myself up from this dream, even closing my eyes and pinching myself, but did not succeed. I open my eyes to find Lucifer staring at me intently. "Leave me alone," I tell him and I turn towards the building.

Grabbing my right arm, he yanked me back, and started pushing me towards the edge of the building. "You need to remember what happened that night. You need know. You do not have much time and time is running out," he said, squeezing my arms tightly. 

That fear that started to well up inside me? Yeah, it was now consuming me. I tried yanking my arm away from Lucifer, which caused him to grip my arms tighter. "Your time as a free person is about to expire." 

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