Chapter 23

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Matt’s POV

“Were losing her!”

“The damage she has taken is too much, she might not survive, and quick I need some morphine.”

“Let’s clean her wounds and stich them together, we need to stop her bleeding so Marcus and Rickey put pressure of her side and stomach to stop it.”

“Danny check her head wound, we don’t want her brain swelling.”

“Mary hold her leg down while I put her bone back into position, then we need to do the same with her ankle, nose, arms and shoulder.”


That was all I felt, unbearable pain. Every time I breathed I felt like I was being stabbed. My body was burning up, it felt like fire was licking at my skin while millions of needles were shoved through my organs.

“More morphine!”

“The bleeding isn’t stopping we need a blood transplant!”

I wanted it to end, the pain, the fear. I arched as the pain actually made me black out for a second. I wished anybody who was listening to put me out of my misery and suffering.

“She’s d-”


The world was silent.

I wanted to shout, scream even whisper just to break it but my voice would not obey. My body didn’t even obey me, I was stuck, frozen. The world was black, no light or warmth, just the dark and the cold. I was lifeless, my soul and mind detached from my body.


That was how I felt, I could remember nothing except that I had lost something so dear that I knew I would not survive if I couldn’t get it back. I was nothing without it, I needed it to survive, to live and breathe but it was gone and I was left in the cold.


“You know, I still remember the time when I chased you around the house and lost you for an hour.”

I was brought out of the dark by a voice, one that I knew but couldn’t remember. It was man, his voice chocked and without even being near him I knew he was crying. My heart ached because of his pain, and I wanted to call out but was still frozen, all I could do was listen.

“I remember that Lan, we lost her and we ended up calling the police and when they showed up and helped we found her in your room fast asleep.”

Another man’s voice spoke and this time my heart lurched and I finally felt like the darkness was lifting making it easier for me to breathe. I knew that voice, I don’t know how but it made tingles dance across my body and I felt like I had a reason to live once more.

“Remember when she made us hide and then watched TV while we hid for two hours. Or when she locked us in my room while having her friends over? She was a little rascal.”

“I miss her.”

Those three words crushed me, and before I knew it the darkness surrounded me again.


“It has been heard that Niall Horan of One Direction has a girlfriend, a childhood friend called Liberty Stonewell. Miss Liberty had been involved with a gang and now is in critical condition in hospital. Niall Horan has been seen barely leaving St Catherine’s Hospital.”

Where they talking about me? The name was so familiar and I felt like it was me, but why couldn’t I remember? I didn’t know how much time had passed with the darkness lifting only to suddenly collapse on me once more. All I knew was everyday ten different people would come and talk to me, they would talk about stories and memories and their worries.

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