Chapter 22

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Niall’s POV

“Your in a coma,” I said tears filling my eyes.

“I know, I’m trying baby, I’m trying to wake up for you so hard,” she said her eyes filled with sadness.

“So this is a dream?” I said bitterly.

She nodded. “I will wake up Niall, you have to believe that.”

“You’re just apart of my sub-conscious your not real!” I shouted furiously running my hand through my hair.

She flinched and I felt immediately bad, no matter is she wasn’t real or not it killed me to see Liberty hurting. I sighed and gave her a weak smile.

“No matter if I’m not real, she will wakeup Niall.”

“How do you know?” I finally whisphered after a few minutes. “Everyone say’s she will wake up but she isn’t! She is still in a coma after eight freaking months!”

Liberty gave me a sad smile. “Have you ever thought that Liberty is too scared to wake up? After everything that has happened to her she may be recovering in her own way. She may love you Niall but when she left she must have been scared that people would hurt her again, and when she wakes up she will be terrified again. Loving you or not she will be scared of you.”

I flinched. “She knows I would never hurt her! The time I did was too save her!”

“So?” Liberty said harshly. “Those men hurt her, she nearly died Niall, she’s going to be scared of you no matter what!”

“I can’t live without her!” I yelled standing up. “I love her! I love her goddammit!”

“Then why don’t you wake up? Stop being sad like everybody else and for once be happy that even though she’s in a coma she’s alive! She could hear you! So stop mopping and be happier, maybe then she will want to wake up!” Liberty yelled straight back.

“How can I be happier?” I snarled.

“By being happy that she is alive. Tell her about your day, how the guys are, what the world is like! Just stop begging for forgiveness! Now wake up!

I glared at Liberty but closed my eyes anyway. “How in hell do you just wish yourself awake?” I grumbled.


My eyes fluttered open as Janice gently shook me. “Sorry Niall for waking you but I think you should just spend the night at home.”

“No,” I croaked. “I’ll stay with her.”

She frowned but nodded. “Buzz if you need anything.”

She left and my eyes fell on the sleeping girl in the bed. I craved being near her right now, so for once I stopped worrying about the consequences and crawled into the bed laying beside her. Liberty didn’t move as I curled protectively around her body.

“Love you Libby,” I yawned closing my eyes.


“N?” I groaned as the light hit my eyes and I blinked seeing Lan and his parents, my parents, the guys and Ris and Em staring at me weirdly.

“What?” I grumbled.

“She moved.” Zayn said in wonder.

I frowned and looked down seeing Liberty curled into a ball in my arms. “What the-” I stuttered.

“But she hasn’t moved in months!” Ris cried.

“Coma patients don’t just move like that,” Andrew stated.

“Maybe she realised Niall was there,” Mom sighed giving me a small smile. “Comfy are we?”

“Yeah what are you doing in her bed?” Liam chuckled. “You know you’re not allowed.”

I rolled my eyes giving them a smile. They all froze their eyes widening. “He smiled!” Em shouted pointing at me.

“N you feel ok?” Lan asked.

“I feel a lot better;” I laughed and tugged Liberty even closer to me.

“He laughed,” Harry shook his head. “Ok who gave him drugs.”

“I’m a lot better Hazza,” I snorted. “Not high.”

“But you were crying less than twelve hours ago!” Lan cried.

“I know right, he’s been on his man periods for eight months, and now he’s all smiley!” Em chuckled.

“More like pregnancy hormones he’s been having!” Ris teased.

“What changed?” Dad asked.

“Tired of being sad,” I yawned. “She’s alive that’s the main thing, I may as well try and be happy.”

Everyone was silent for a few minutes before they all spoke at once.

“Yep drugs!”

“Maybe he’s been possessed by aliens?”

“Something’s wrong!”

“It’s pregnancy hormones, I’m telling you!”


“Long lost twin maybe?”

“Maybe Janice gave him something?”

“Shhh sleeping,” a quite voice said and silence echoed in the room all our eyes snapped to the girl in my arms.

She shuffled closer and huffed. “Lib?”

“Name’s Matt,” she yawned her eyes still closed. “I’m trying to get some shut eye here.”

“She’s awake,” Felicity shrieked.

“Oh my god!” Dad cheered.

“Matt!” Ris and Em cried rushing to the bed. “You’re awake!”

“Well I am now,” she groaned sitting up slightly her eyes opening slightly. “Where am I?”

“Do you remember anything Matt?” Lou asked uncertainly.

“I remember being engaged,” Liberty yawned and kissed me on the lips. “Morning by the way, oh I also remember Tyler being Tom’s brother and being nearly killed by them.” She hummed her eyes wide open an amused grin on her lips at our shocked expressions. “I also remember you all talking to me, or yelling, or crying. I also know a few secrets about you guys now,” she grinned evilly. “So yeah.”

“You’re not worried? Freaked out?” I asked softly.

“Naw,” she shrugged. “I wake up about three hours ago, had a bit of a freak had some water and fell asleep again.”

“Why didn’t you wake me!”

“You looked so cute sleeping,” she cooed. “I got some pictures.”

“You mean you woke up from a eight month coma and took pictures of Niall sleeping!” Harry laughed in disbelief.

“Yep,” she laughed. “Who want’s to see?”

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