Chapter 2

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Have you ever had one of those days?

Where you hate the world?

And anything happens,

Even dropping your pen,

Makes you want to break down and cry.


Matt’s POV

I felt the panic rise within me and I nearly bolted but his voice stopped me.

“Miss are you ok? Do you need an ambulance?”

His voice brought me out of my trance. No this couldn’t be him, first this guy actually sounded terrified for me and secondly the build was different. I mentally scolded myself, just because he has an Irish accent doesn’t mean it’s him.

“No,” I whisphered out. “Sorry didn’t mean to freak you out.”

“It’s ok,” the guy said. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“No, my best friend’s being a twat and now has left me in the rain,” I sighed. “But thanks for your concern.”

I turned away prepared to walk away but the stranger wouldn’t let go of my arm. “How about I give you a lift home?” He asked.

I looked over the stranger. He stood at least eight inches taller then me; he had a thick Irish accent. I could tell he worked out by the way his jacket hugged his arms, he had massive muscles! Overall I could tell he was hot but still even if it wasn’t him this stranger scared me.

“No thanks, I’m walking my dog and have you never heard?” I said sarcastically. “Never get in a car with a stranger.”

“Hmm how about I walk around the park with you then maybe you’ll let me give you a lift home?” He chuckled. I had the sudden urge to run away from this stranger to hide from him but at the same time I felt secure.

Ok the lack of sleep was defiantly getting to me.

“Fine we shall see,” I laughed. We walked in silence and as we got closer to the park something didn’t feel right.

I looked under my hood at the stranger. There was something about him. Something that seemed so right but so wrong. “You like what you see?” The guy chuckled and I rolled my eyes looking away.

“Well its raining we both have our hoods up and I can’t see a thing. So I can’t see you so obviously I don’t like what I see because I can’t see it.” I stated to him.

“Are you always like this?” He asked.

“Like what?”

“So update and logical,” he laughed. “There was this girl I used to know, she used to say whenever it rained. Time to learn how to dance in the rain.”

The guy suddenly started skipping and I stopped in shock. “What are you doing?” I laughed.

“I can’t dance,” The guy said. “So skipping seems fine to do!”

“Oh my,” I whisphered to myself laughing. He was truly mad, I thought as he skipped through the park and I followed behind him.

“Come on little one! Come skip.” The guy laughed and I chuckled at him.

“No chance in hell am I skipping!” I laughed at him and he slowed down so he was walking next to me.

“I bet I can convince you to skip,” he said cheekily.

“Now don’t be cheeky with me boy I’ll chew you up and spit you out!”

The guy laughed and I realised I was slowly becoming addicted to his laugh. Hell I didn’t even know his name and I didn’t want to leave him.

Please, Don't Walk Away  {Niall Horan Fanfic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें