Chapter Seventeen

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Unkown’s POV

“There what!” I shouted furiously glaring at the trembling boy in front of me.

“Their getting married,” he stuttered.

“Chill out little brother,” a deep voice said and my eyes snapped to him. “All good things come to those who wait.”

“I waited years,” I seethed. “I had her in my grasp before that monster took her!”

“Calm down,” he chuckled and his cold eyes flickered to the boy was pale. “Leave.”

The boy couldn’t get out of there fast enough. “How dare she!” I growled.

“Talk to that annoying girl again,” he murmured. “She will help, all sl*ts do.”

I took my phone out and did as he said. “Hey baby,” she purred and I shivered in disgust.

“Hello.” I said coldly.

“Want to come over for some fun?” She giggled.

“No.” I snapped. “The plan needs to come in faster.”

“Why?” She asked whining.

“Because he is marrying her!” I growled.

“What!” The girl shrieked and I flinched.

“Do the plan now!” I shouted into the phone. “Or your family will suffer.”

She whimpered. “It will be finished by the end of the week.”

“Good,” I smirked before hanging up on her.

“What is the plan little brother?” He chuckled. “Split them up? Kidnap her? Blackmail? Torture?”

“None the above,” I grinned. “Just you wait by the end of the week this nightmare will be over.”


Niall’s POV

“N?” An angelic voice whispered and my eyes fluttered open.

Liberty was sitting at the edge of the bed her eyes wide and scared. “What’s wrong small one?” I mumbled sleepily.

“I’m scared.” She cried tears falling down her cheeks.

“Come here,” I cooed and she crawled into my arms her small frame shaking. “What happened?”

“Nightmare,” she cried small sobs wracking her body, my heart broke.

“Shhhhh,” I soothed rocking her back and forth. “It was just a dream, it’s not real.”

“It felt so real,” she sobbed clutching my t-shirt in her hands. “I was so scared.”

“What happened in the dream baby?” I said placing kisses all over her tear stained face.

“You and Lan hated me!” She sobbed harder. “You two hated me so much, you couldn’t stand me, you wished I was gone!”

My heart contracted in my chest. “We would never hate you,” I whispered kissing her closed eyelids.

“Promise?” Her eyes opened and I lost myself in them. “Do you promise me?”

“I promise baby,” I said wiping the tears of her face. “I promise none of that will happen to you.”


I shot up my heart pounding in my chest, I automatically brought Matt to me making sure she was all. My heart calmed when I saw she was breathing normally and occasionally snores left her. I sighed and leant back, she snuggled deeper into my side and I smiled softly at her.

“I love you,” I whispered brushing her hair of her Angelic face.

“Love you too,” she grumbled back and leant her face into the pal of my hands and hummed.

I chuckled quietly and rolled onto my side bringing her closer to me. “I thought you were asleep.”

“I was but then you sat up so it woke me up,” she said opening one of her eyes. “What was wrong?”

“Nothing little one,” I said the memory swirling in my mind. “Go back to sleep.”

“Can’t know,” she groaned pushing me away and getting up. “I’m hungry come on Horan,” she said shuffling out of the room and I shook my head following her.

“Can’t you call me Niall?” I whined playfully putting an arm around her slim waist.

“I will when I’m awake properly,” she muttered and stumbled into the kitchen, the others were already sitting there. “Were are the folks?” Matt asked sleepily to Lan.

“Home sis,” he chuckled and Matt grabbed some bread putting it in the toaster.

“You sit, I’ll do it,” I laughed and she gave me a sleepy smile before sitting down.

“Tired?” Ris said innocently and Matt grunted in response.

“She got laid,” Em said bluntly.

“Em!” Matt shot up looking wide eyes at her friend.

“What?” She whined.

“You per-”

“Niall?” Simon’s voice boomed through the house and the lads looked at me.

“What’s Simon doing here?” Liam frowned and I shrugged.

“In the kitchen!” Lou snag back. “Maybe he’s going to tell us he misses us?” We all gave Lou wtf looks and he pouted. “I said maybe!”

“There you are,” Simon grunted. “This house is huge.”

“Oh my,” Ris laughed. “First Matt in my house, then Once Direction now Simon Cowell! What next!” She cackled.

Harry butt in. “What’s up?”

“Niall you need to leave,” he rushed out. “Take Matt maybe take the others with you but go hide!” He hissed.

“What?” I said in surprise. “What the hell? Why would we do that?”

“I’m not hiding,” Matt scowled.

“Why would they need to hide?” Lan asked concerned.

“There was something nobody mentioned to me!” Simon snapped. “Tyler is Tom’s twin!”

We all froze and Matt went pale. “Baby?” I asked wearily walking slowly to her.

“You didn’t know?” Simon asked in bewilderment.

“No!” I hissed not letting my eyes leave my fiancée’s. “Matt?”

“Crap,” she breathed before her body fell forward.

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