'Yeah...So tell me Ananya how were his eyes...?'

Ananya doesn't reply anything at this..

Deepika got suspicious, but still continued...
'Captivating...? Mesmerising....?'

'Painful... ' Ananya said without looking at her..

'What...!' Deepika stares at her shocked

'Uh.. Nothing... ' Ananya says and rest of the drive is silent...

In the hospital

Deepika and Ananya were sitting in the waiting area, waiting for their turn..

Ananya's phone was ringing continuously, as Arjun was worried on the other side, Deepika takes her phone from her hands...

'Don't worry, I won't tell him anything... ' she assured and walked outside...

Ananya was getting irritated as she is not habitual of waiting for anything,  her father would readily get her anything she wanted...

'Why is it taking so much time...?' She says loudly and other patients stare at her..

'Ma'am this is a hospital, please keep your tone low... ' A nurse says politely

'I need to see the doctor now, I am hurt... ' she points at her leg..

Nurse examines her leg and smiles
'It's not an emergency case Ma'am, you can wait for the doctor, you will be seeing him after this gentleman... ' she points at the elderly man on the wheelchair..

'I want to see the doctor right now....!' Ananya huffs

'You have to wait... ' Nurse says

'Do you know who you are talking to ?' Ananya says in her classic arrogant tone

'Sorry...?' Nurse enquires confused

'I am Ananya Tha.... ' She began

'It doesn't matter who she is, she will wait for her turn, you may leave, Thank you... ' Aayan cuts her off and says to the nurse...

Nurse smiles and leaves

Ananya turns to him to say something, but again becomes speechless seeing his eyes

'You should not use your Father's influence for these petty issues... ' Aayan scolds her

'I... I Don't like to wait....' Ananya says looking away

'Then learn... ' Aayan huffs and Ananya gets angry

'Listen you !' she begins

'You listen to me ! Princess, your father may own half of the city, no one cares ! That old man there needs doctors attention more than you, you just have a sprain or something, but he is on a wheelchair ! Learn to think about others..!  I wonder how are you Naina Mom's daughter...' he said disgusted 

'Excuse me ! How dare you... ' Ananya yells and Aayan covers her mouth, the receptionist sushes them

'This is a hospital, not your kingdom Princess... ' Aayan whispers

Ananya pushes his hand away, and glares at him

'No one can call me Princess, except my parents ! Especially a person like you, should never address me with that endearment.... ' Ananya whisper yells

'Oohhh believe me, I Don't want to address you with anything... If I can, I will deport you to a deserted island from where you can never return... ' Aayan matches her tone

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