Chapter 6: First day

Start from the beginning

"So wassup?" I nod my head up at him with my hands in my pockets.

"Wassup? What the fuck home boy you trynna blow my cover and errthing?" Joon pushes me backwards. I forgot how aggressive he can get to be honest I haven't seen Joon kill somebody in a while. "Does JB know you here?"

"Obviously why else would my ass be back in school?" I retaliate getting angry at him for thinking I would just show up here. He begins to scratch his head as if he is panicking.

"Is it me? Wait does JB not fucking trust me?" He clenches his jaw. To be honest I don't know how to answer this question because I feel like it's because JB wants to know Joon and Mazes relationship.

"No he said he wants another insider to protect her" I shrug my shoulders then throw a piece of gum into my mouth. "Can I go now?" I ask him as I point at the door.

"Ok but don't fucking do any funny shit or else imma blow up your fucking balls you-"

"Channing you coming?" Maze opens the door catching us off guard. I look at Joon and he strokes his hair and gives her his dimple smile. No wonder she likes him, he be doing that shit with her.

"Erm yeah Mr. Kutcher you can go now have a nice day both of you" he smiles making me scoff. I turn around and head towards Maze who is holding the door for me. I hope she didn't hear our conversation otherwise we gonna be in some deep shit.

"So what did he say to you?" She asks me and I just shrug my shoulders at her. We walk down the corridor with everyone's eyes fixed on us as if we were some diseased people, the stares are mostly from the girls and I'm not used to this type of attention. When I was in high school I had nobody but Bambam, I wasn't the best looking and nobody would notice if I had disappeared because nobody cared.

"Why are they all looking at us?" I whisper in Maze's ear making her jump and stop walking in her tracks. She turns around and faces me with her arms crossed and sternly looks up at me as if I've done something wrong.

"Number 1, there is a thing called boundaries and number 2 they're looking at you not us" she explains making me even more confused, why are they looking at me For? Maybe it's because I'm the new student. I follow Maze all the way to the cafeteria then I sit beside her, on the other side of the cafeteria stood a man glaring at us then begins to walk towards us. "Not this shit again" I hear Maze murmur.

"Should I take him down?" I ask her whilst reaching towards my pocket where my gun is.

"No just leave this to me-"

"Maze, do you not have any female friends?" The man asks her with his arms crossed.

"Calm down Jonathan he's new I'm just showing him around" she casually says making him raise his eyebrows and glare at her even more. 

"Well explain that to mum when you get home" he smirks then walks away from us. I should have shot him. I look at Maze and I can see she is trying her best to not let her tears fall, I guess she's been through shit.

"So who's the new guy" a boy with dark skin and light eyes approaches us, the more I look at him the more he reminds me of Trent maybe not his attitude but his features.

"Channing meet Dre, Dre meet Channing" she introduces us and I shake his hand. He gives me a smile and I return the kind gesture. I can already tell that he is different from Trent because Trent never smiles.

"So kids I was wondering whether you could help me out? I'll even give you credit" Mr Kim approaches our table and sits in front of Maze who looks like she is about to have a heart attack.

"Yeah sure" she agrees without hesitation.

"The school board wants me to open up a school news paper therefore I thought I could borrow your talent" he speaks up and smiles not at me and not at Dre but at Maze, he needs to under stand that his smile can make a woman pregnant.

"Yeah we'd love to" she answers for all of us making me and Dre face each other and sigh. Namjoon looks at me then turns around and walks away. I never noticed this bwfore but he looks weird in a suit.

"I don't remember agreeing to sign up for this" Dre speaks up and faces Maze who is hiding her head in her arms.

"I know I'm sorry I panicked, he just makes my heart go absjskowldnodjelendo" she explains whilst moving her arms all over the place making me smile. She really is funny.

"So you like Joon?" I ask her and she looks at me confused, "sorry I meant Mr Kim" I correct myself but she doesn't seem to care about my mistake and just continues to fangirl over him.

"Is it that obvious?" She asks with her big brown eyes.

"Yes" me and Dre both say in unison and she begins to cry in another language making me and Dre laugh but that laughter soon dies down when I see a familiar boy glaring at me on the other side of the cafeteria. He gets up from his seat and begins to approach us making me feel nervous. How do I know this boy?

"Why is Jason Lane walking towards us?" Dre whispers and Maze shrugs her shoulders. Lane? Where do I know that surname from?

"You" He points at me catching me off guard.

"Do I know you-"

"You killed my brother" he angrily says as he clenches his jaw and puts his hands into a tight fist.

So that's how I know him...

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