Start from the beginning

"Miss. You are late" Professor

"Sorry sir it will not happen again" Madhu

"Sure it will not happen because you will not enter my class room. And let it clear for all. No one and I mean no one enter my classroom after me." then he looked at Madhu and shout with his lung "OUT"

Madhu run out of the classroom and her eyes start watering

"How he talk to me like that. I am just late 10 minutes. Who is he to humiliate me in front of all the class I did not see him before. I will never enter his class. He can't treat us like that. We are students here not working for him." Madhu was thinking in her head crying from his behavior then she decided that she would wait his lecture end and ask her friends what he gave them.

"Ria. Deps" Madhu called them when she saw them coming out from his classroom when this professor finished his class

"Madhu" Ria

"Who is this stupid? How does he treat me like this? How could he throw me out of the classroom? Just for ten minutes late" Madhu angrily asking her friends

"He is Rishabh Kundra the prince of the college" Deps answering Madhu

"Prince. What the hell is this college or kingdom to have prince and princess" Madhu

"No Madhu he is the son of the principle Dr. Mohan Kundra and they own Kundra hospital. You didn't hear about them" Ria

"No I didn't hear about them. you all know we moved to here in town a year ago and I don't know anything or anyone out of my family and this college sure I heard our head master name Dr. Kundra but I never know he has son teaching here in college" Madhu

"That is because it is the first day for him today. He graduated last year and he was the first on his class that's why he is doing his high studies here and teaching here in the college" Ria

"Sure he is the head master son he will be the first even if he doesn't deserve it" Madhu

"No Madhu he is so smart. And he explained to us many and hard things. But he made it so easy. There is nothing he can't explain. He is really the best professor I ever had" Ria

"For me I didn't understand a word from what he said" Dips

"And why is that he made everything so simple and so clear" Ria

"Because I was looking at him living in my dream world" Dips

"What?" Madhu

"You didn't see him Madhu he sooooooooo handsome I can't get my eyes off him" Deps

"I don't know I didn't notice these things I just noticed that he is so arrogant and he kicked me out in my first day this year" Madhu

"Madhu come on don't get upset for nothing. Now you can go to his office and say sorry and he will allow you to enter his coming classes" Ria

"What! To say sorry to him. And why? He should say sorry to me not I" Madhu

"What Madhu you want a professor apologize to student" Ria

"It doesn't matter student or professor. He hurt me. He should apologize" Madhu

"But you are late for his class. He felt it disrespectful for him. You are wrong Madhu not him" Ria

"You want the prince of college Dr. Rk to say sorry for you Madhubala" Deps stressing the word Madhubala

"And why not he is a doctor I will become a doctor so we are equal" Madhu

"But now he is professor and you are student and he holds your marks for the year. So who should apologize for whom" Ria trying to explain to Madhu

"Ok Ok I'll go and apologize to him. Where is his office" Madhu

"Come we will show you" Ria and Dipaly

They went to his office Madhu knocked the door and heard his manly voice telling her to enter

"What! You will not enter with me" Madhu looking at her friends

"No. it is your problem you must handle it alone" Ria pushing Madhu to enter RK's office

 it is your problem you must handle it alone" Ria pushing Madhu to enter RK's office

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