Used To This

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Dun dun dun, another phan oneshot :P

Ima try doing one where Dan and Phil are teenagers

*Gerard Way screams in the distance*

Dan's POV
Today was the day. After school, today, I was going to Phil Lester's house. I counted down the minutes until the bell rang.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

5 minutes.

2 minutes.

3 seconds.



I leapt up, basically sprinting out the door and down the hallway. I didn't care if I was probably going to knock a couple people to the floor. I didn't care if everyone was staring at me incredulously. The shy, small, weak boy is running down the hall like his ass is on fire, which would be funny to them if I truly was on fire but that's not the point because now I'm outside and I'm halfway to my house.

I rush inside and bolt upstairs, take the quickest shower I can, dry my hair. It curly incredibly but I don't care this time because Phil said once he liked my hobbit hair. I yank a dark gray jumper over my head and pull on my black skinny jeans. My shoes are sitting by the door. My nerves are on the cieling, the floor, splattered on the walls.

buzz buzz

I jump and scramble to get my phone. I drop it on the floor and leant pick it up again. It's Phil.

I'm outside

He's outside of my house right now. I bite my lip and fix my hair and shove a beanie over it, slipping my shoes on and walking down the stairs. I hesitate at the door. Do I open it or no?

I open the door to see Phil's dark blue car sitting in front of my house. I can see him inside. He's rolling down the window. His smile flashes and he beckons me over and I realize I'd been standing at my front door the whole time.

I rush over and get in the car. Some soft music was playing and I smile. Phil drives calmly. I sneak glances at him through my hair which still hangs in my eyes. He doesn't notice me staring. I'm glad.

He parks in front of his house. We get out. We go inside. There's no one home. Phil takes me upstairs. We're in his room. He has a soft pale gray couch. We sit down.

He pulls out hid gaming stuff. We play. I become less shy and nervous. Suddenly my head is cold because Phil has stolen my beanie. I pout, reaching out with grabbing hands. He smiles and sticks out his tounge.

I impulsively scoot closer, a tiny blush on my face as I reach for my hat. He doesn't let go. I sigh and give up, moving to sit on the floor. There's s smug look on his face. It's attractive.

Phil looks at me and I look at him. Something passes between us. He flops down and lays on the couch. He glances over at me. His arms are open wide. His eyes are telling me to join him. And I do.

I lay next to him and he closes his arms around me. I shiver because it feels right. I cuddle closer to his chest. My arm around his torso loosely. I'm tired. I feel myself falling asleep.

I could get used to this...

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