Only Human(part two)

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Phil's POV

I sast on the couch, my girlfriend Cali next to me. I think she could tell something was wrong.

"Phil, what wrong babe? You seem put out." She loked concerned.

"Nothing." I sighed, think back to what Dan had said one hour ago. "Actually, we need to talk."

"What's going on?" He voice took on a confused and scared attitude.

"I...I think we should see other people."

"W-what do you mean Phil?" She said, staring at me.

"I said I think we should see other people. I...I don;t think we we're meant for each other."

"Phil, don't you love me? I thought we would always be together!" She seemed more angry than sad, which made me scared.

"I know, but I..."

"You love someone else, don't you?"

I nodded.

"How dare you?!" she said, jumping up off the couch. "I thought you were mine!"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it! I hate you!" She screamed, lashing out at me with something. I felt a sharp pain above my eye and yelped, feeling blood trickle down my face. She gasped and in a flurry of footsteps she was gone. The door slammed shut and I was alone.

I immediatley went to the bathroom to clean the cut and then rushed out of the flat with my shoes and an extra jacket. I had to find Dan. It was so cold out here, too cold.


It was dawn before I found him, asleep on a park bench of some small park I never knew existed. The sunlight bounced of the light dusting of snow in his hair, making him look like he was right out of a fairytale. I approched slowly, placing a hand on his arm. He started awake, shivering violently. Once he saw me, he shied away, going to get up.

"No, Dan please!" I begged, grabbing his arm. He froze and I sighed.

"W-what do you want?" He looked so tired and defeated and it killed me to see him like this. And I caused it.

"Dan I'm so sorry. I never, ever meant to do this to you. Remember that first time we met, when you turned around it was like my entire world lit up and every color was so much brighter. And then when you moved in with me, my world was complete. I realized I had feelings for you, and I tried to repress them so hard. I found a distraction. Cali was the distraction, I never loved her. She's really not a nice girl anyways. She did this when I broke up with her." I pointed to the cut on my forehead, still raw and stinging from the cold. I took a deep breath, the bitter air freezing my lungs. "Dan, please come back. I...I don't think I could live without you."

He blinked slowly. "You have been for two months, what's different now?" His voice was bitter and sad.

I reached out and placed the jacket around his shoulders, buttoning the top button. I looked straight into his eyes. "Dan, I know you only human. Guess what? So am I, and I can't breath without you." I pulled him closer and kissed him softly, my hands resting on his cheeks.

After a few moments I pulled away. His cheeks were flushed pink and his eyes were wide open. He blinked up at me.

"Dan. Will you come home with me?" I whispered, holding out my hand. He stared at it for a few seconds then reached forwards and latched on with fridgid fingers.


And that's were our story began....



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