Forget Me(part 2)

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Kay so part two yaaaay

(Brief)Phil's POV
Dan had left two days ago. He never come back, and I couldn't find him anywhere. I'd looked for hours everywhere. Nothing.

It had been horrible without Dan. I couldn't sleep knowing he was out there somewhere. The fans kept tweeting me asking where the videos were and why we were MIA. In truth, I kept it all a secret. No one knew that Dan was gone. I just couldn't bring myself to go on the internet and tell them all how terrible I'd been.

I really did mess up big time.

Dan's POV
I'd been gone for two days. No one came looking for me. I sighed, kicking up first in the park I'd been hanging at. Was I really going to do this, let down all our fans and leave Phil? It was dark and no one was around but I could almost hear his voice. Wait, it was his voice.

"Dan! Dan I found you!" Phil said. I heard him run up behind me, but he stopped. "Dan?"

I felt tears running down my face at the emotions building inside me. I am in love with Phil Lester. I am in love with him.

"Dan?" He said, walking closer. He reached out to grab my shoulder and I let him. He turned me around. "Dan please don't cry, I'm so so so so sorry that I've been a terrible friend."

He wrapped his arms around me and I sunk into his embrace, thankful for his contact. I never knew how much I really did need him until I didn't have him.

"Dan, please forgive me. I'm a horrible person."

"No, I'm a horrible person. I was being petty and ran away when nothing was wrong." I said quietly.

"No, you had a reason. I haven't spent time with you in a while." Phil said, pulling away and looking into my eyes. "I didn't know what I was missing until you left and I realized that I can't live without you."

"Really, do you mean that?" I said, titling my head slightly.

"Yes, I mean every bit of it." Phil said, smiling.

I felt a rush of feelings for him flood into my head and I couldn't help myself. I stepped forwards quickly and pressed a kiss on his lips. I pulled away just as quick, blushing and looking at the floor in shame.

"I-I'm sorry," I said, then turned to run away but he gripped my arm and yurned me back around. Next thing I knew he was kissing me.

After he pulled away, he pouted. "Daaan, you beat me to it!"

"To what?"

"Kissing you silly!"

I smiled. "Too bad!"

"Dan, will you please come back to the flat with me?" Phil said, reaching down to grasp my hand.

"Of course I will." I smiled and we started walking.

Right before we entered the flat, he pecked my cheek lightly. "I gotta go film an apology video soon, why don't you wash up a bit and join me?"

I blushed. Phil rarely ever asked me to join in his videos. "Okay."
Filming took forever because Phil insisted on kissing my cheek over two seconds and we both knew it would be edited out. Not ready for Phan to be a thing yet. Phil let me watch him edit and I blushed and cringed every time he kissed me. After that we sat down to watch a movie.

I yawned and leaned against Phil tiredly. It was late, and I was tired. Phil looked down at me and smiled, flipping the tv off. "Bedtime?"

I nodded and he stood, offering a hand to me which I took. We walked down the hall and Phil turned to go to his room but I stopped him nervously.

"Um, Phil, could I uh....could I sleep with...with you?" I said quietly. "I feel lonely in my room."

Phil smiled. "Sure, come here." He spread his arms and I walked to him, hugging him.

We cuddled uo in bed and he kissed my head, and I fell asleep with no nightmares that night.

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