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In which fluff is life....


"Phil, could you get my phone of my nightstand?" Dan called from his spot on the sofa. No way was he getting up now, even if it was for his phone.

"Phil, I can't be waiting all day come on!" Dan called again, hearing nothing. That was strange, usually Phil was at least a little noisy.

Dan sighed, setting his laptop aside and standing up, walking to Phil's room. He knocked on the door. "Oh Phil?."

"What?" Phil's voice came from in his room but sounded muffled and distorted.

"Did you hear me?"

"No, what do you need?" His voice was still all weird and choppy. Dan pushed the door open.

"Phil what are you doing?"

Phil was still laying in bed all curled up under his blue and green covers. Phil sighed. "I dunno, I feel all nasty, like I've got a cold or something."

Dan laughed. "Really? Okay fine. Did you check to see if you're running a fever?" Despite his friends ridiculousness, Dan was worried for him. He never liked Phil being sick.

"No, I haven't moved today."

Dan rolled his eyes, going and retrieving the thermometer and handing it to Phil. Phil placed it under his tounge and they waited a few minutes.

"No fever, but it's higher than usual." Phil placed the thermometer on his nightstand.

Dan nodded. "Do you need anything?"

"Water maybe." Phil coughed quietly. Dan nodded and walked out of Phil's room, going to get him a glass of water.

Dan thought to the last time Phil was sick. He realized that it was only a few days ago. That was weird. Phil had been getting sick more and more often recently. He'd never used to get sick unless they had just come back from somewhere like Japan or California, then he would get a little cold. Dan frowned, getting the water and heading back to Phil's room.

"Here you go Phil," he said as he walked into the room. Phil was asleep, curled up in the covers. Dan smiled, placing the water down and turning out the light. "Sleep well Phil."

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