
      "NO!!!" V yelled at me as I ate the last piece of popcorn in our bowl. We were competing for it for the last 60 seconds, and I finally got it and ate it. He looked so disappointed. I gave him a satisfied smile.
      "Sorry." I said with no remorse at all. He scooted away from me.
      "I'm not talking to you anymore." I said in a whiney voice.
      "Aw, no!" I complain. "Come back!"
      He keeps looking away and doesn't say anything. "Taehyung I'm sorry!!" I beg for his forgiveness. I turn around and grab a handful of popcorn from Laura's bowl, followed by scolding from her. I ignore it and turn back to V.
      "Here. We'll share this." I said, scooting closer to him and holding my hand open. He looks at me with disgust.
      "Share it?" He scoffs. "No. I want all or nothing."
      "Alright, then you get nothing." I said with a smile and begin eating it.
       "Aish, you're so mean to me." He said, turning back to me and taking some popcorn from my hand. I laugh to see him giving up so easily, and he allows himself little smile.
      The second movie just finished, it wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but still super creepy. Right when the credits came on, J-Hope started laughing.
      "This one was so stupid!!" He yelled, cracking up. "So cheesy."
      "I know right! The ending was terrible, did you see how terrible their acting was?" Jin said. "Even I could do a better horror scream than that."
"Guys!!" Emily suddenly yelled. Everyone turned their attention to her. A mischievous grin was dancing on her lips. "Let's play truth or dare."
Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, besides V, who apparently thought the game would be fun.
"That game is for love struck 10 year olds." Jungkook said. "Besides, the only question that ever gets asks is who you like and I already know that you love me." He said with a smile, wrapping her in a side hug.
"Ha, you know that about me, but you're not even the slightest bit curious about everyone else?" She asked. I started to get goosebumps... She sent Laura a glance and gave her this look I couldn't really understand, and Laura visibly blushed. "Besides, everyone here besides Suga acts like love struck 10 year olds, so maybe this game was just meant for us."
V scoffed. "Excuse you, I'm a love struck three year old." He corrects her.
"So...?" Emily said slowly. "Let's play?"
After some hesitation, everyone gave in. Even though we were all a little worried about it, I could tell that there was a positive adrenaline in everyone right now. We all sat in a circle to begin.
"I'll start, since I suggested it." Emily said. She scanned everyone's faces, and her eyes stop on J-Hope. "Truth or dare, Hoseok."
"DARE!!" He yelled, standing up. "Make it hard." I admired his confidence.
"Kiss V, on the lips. Make it passionate." She said calmly with a smirk.
In less than a second, his bubbly attitude drained away and was taken over by disgust. "Are you kidding me?"
"No! You said to make it hard! Besides, this'll be the perfect V-Hope moment!!" She yelled happily. I turned to Taehyung and he was cringing so hard, I could tell. He looked so scared.
"Yah! This is J-Hopes turn, not mine!" He complained.
"Just do it!! I wanna see this too!" Jin yelled.
"You can't back out of a dare! Don't be so boring!!" Namjoon said.
"Alright!! Okay." J-Hope groaned. Then he glared at V. "No tounge, okay?"
"I should be the one telling you!" Taehyung snapped. Then, he stood up too. "Let's get this over with..."
Everyone stood up and crowned around them, wanting to get a good look. They slowly stepped toward eachother, awkwardly grabbing each other's faces... Leaning in...
"COME ON!!!" Jungkook yelled. He pushed both of their heads together and forced them to kiss. The were both so surprised. V squeezed his eyes shut, probably dying inside. "Alright, let's have 7 seconds!"

 "Alright, let's have 7 seconds!"

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