Chapter 2

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I had only drank alcohol once before today, and it only had 2%. Tonight, all of a sudden I was chugging shots down, one after the other. I wasn't used to it, and it didn't take long for me to get drunk. I was dizzy and all over the place, feeling lightweight and happy. After a while, I really felt like I was going to throw up, so I excused myself from my friends and rushed to the bathroom, my hands clutching my stomach. I was hunched over in attempt not to barf before I reached the bathroom, and I ran straight into someone. I looked up to see who I just almost knocked over, but when I did, I couldn't hold it in.
I vomited all over him. Yes, it was a man. And yes, he was extremely sexy, especially those broad shoulders, and I just covered him in chunky rum. Shit. He looked beyond disgusted. So was I.
"OH DEAR GOD! I'm so sorry Sir! I, omg, I don't even know what to say! Please forgive me!" I said. I'm surprised I even got a semi-decent apology out since I was drunk. But it seemed to work. The man opened his mouth to yell, but then he studied my face more closely, and grinned despite all the vomit on him. He grabbed my arm and yanked me into the girls bathroom. I was shocked.
"Wait, you're not supposed to be in the lady's-" I was cut off by the man.
"Stop complaining and let me help you." He said. His voice was quite high pitched. He grabbed a few paper towels and poured some water on them, and gently wiped my neck and the top of my shirt, which also got barf on them. He did it quickly and painlessly, almost like a mother would clean after her baby when they make a mess. It was quite charming, actually.
After he helped me, he got some more paper towels and began to wipe himself up. It was most of his shirt that got dirty, at least his pants didn't get ruined, right? He broke the silence. "Thanks for ruining my shirt." He said with a quiet laugh. Oh... He was just being so kind till this moment. When he saw my dumbfounded expression. He smiled. "I'm kidding, lighten up." He continued to clean himself. He cleared his throat. "You're welcome, by the way."
Ugh! Once again me being stupid and not even thanking him! "Oh! Right, thank you, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble, I really didn't mean to..." After throwing up, I felt a lot more sober, but I was still dizzy, so I leaned against the counter where the sinks were. I looked at the man and squinted, trying to see him clearly, but my eyes weren't cooperating.
He grinned. "You're really drunk, aren't you?"
I sighed. "Well, I think I'm kind of okay now... Sort of." I say while losing my balance and almost falling to the floor but I catch the countertop. "I don't even know." The man chuckled and grabbed my shoulders and held me upright.
"Stop drinking, okay? Being drunk doesn't suit a pretty girl like you." When he held me at arms length, I could see him more clearly, and I realized I had also been stalking him earlier. His eyes were just so pretty... I was so dizzy, I wanted to sit down.
"I'm Laura." I said randomly. Is this what happens when you're drunk? You tell complete strangers your name?
He looked me up and down, observing me for a moment, before saying "I'm Jin."


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      Jin. It was a very nice name. He was quite nice for helping me, and so was J-Hope for buying me those drinks. Maybe I just got lucky, but is this really a coincidence? Ugh, I always overthink everything. I just happened to encounter 2 kind, gorgeous men. That's all. I washed my face, thanked him again and we both left the women's restroom, and we went our separate ways. I searched around for my friends for a minute or two before finding them having a great time, hanging out with 2 other random guys. I could see more clearly now, but my walking was still a little wobbly, especially with these heels. When I got closer, I realized they were two other men I was watching earlier tonight. How come I happen to actually be running into them? I made my way over to them.
      "And who's this?" One of them asked. His voice was very deep, unlike Jin.
      I introduced myself before my friends could. "I'm Laura, nice to meet you..." I say, waiting for him to give me a name.
      "Just call me V, everyone in this club thinks my actual name is 'too hard to pronounce' anyway. I mean, what's so difficult to say in the name Taehyung? But oh well." He says. Hm, V, that was an interesting nickname. I liked it. His eyes are what caught my attention, and his nose, and his lips....

 His eyes are what caught my attention, and his nose, and his lips

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He was beautiful. Like a god. I turned to the other man, well, this one didn't look like man, more like an older teen, he was still young, I could tell. He smiled happily at me. When he did, his eyes became so small, he was so adorable, I felt like I could faint.
      "I'm Jungkook." He said.

     However, the moment he licked his lips he wasn't just cute anymore

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     However, the moment he licked his lips he wasn't just cute anymore. Oh damn... This had to be a dream. But I knew it wasn't, and I was happy for that. Just a second later, Jin came over and cleared his throat.
      "V, Jungkook, Jimin wants to meet. We need to talk. Come on. " he said quicky. Before he left, he turned to me and smiled lightly. "Oh, Laura, hello again." Then he swiftly walked away without another word. V and Jungkook looked at each other.
      "We're sorry, we gotta go. " V said.
      "I hope we'll meet again." Jungkook said, smiling. They left and caught up with Jin.
I couldn't help but wonder, who was this "Jimin" Jin had mentioned? I was curious, all of the sudden, as to why they were meeting up as well. Maybe Jimin was another one of the 6 men. I had only met 4 of them so far. There was 2 others I hadn't spoken to yet. My curiosity told me to follow them, my brain told me not to. Everything in me was telling me not to, but there was a small voice in my head encouraging me to go find the answers to my questions. But that voice wasn't loud enough against all the others telling me not to be nosey. Maybe if I was Nicole or Alyssa right now, I would follow them. But I'm not, so I stayed behind, letting my imagination run wild.

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