Chapter 28

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I was nervous.
Even though I would never admit it even if a gun was pointed to my head, I got nervous the second she asked me why I didn't kiss her that day. I never feel like that... But for some reason I was on the verge of blushing. This time.... She practically made the first move... She basically told me to kiss her, and I did before even thinking about it. I knew Emily was probably watching and taking pictures for blackmail but I wasn't thinking about that at the moment.
      All I could think of is how much I've wanted to do what I just did for the past weeks.
      I know what I'm getting myself into by kissing her. I know I'm just causing trouble for both of us, as I always do. I feel horrible knowing that I'll end up hurting her in the end, yet I did it anyway. I didn't regret it though.
      She kissed me back, passionately. It wasn't a one way thing. I figured out that I liked her a short while back, and now I'm starting to think it's a mutual feeling. I wasn't nervous anymore, I was happy.
      We kissed like we were alone even though we weren't. I would deal with the aftermath later, but for now, this is all I wanted.
      Eventually, we needed to come to a stop. She slowly pulled away, but kept her face near mine. We stared at each other for a few moments and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Neither could she apparently, because a small grin was on her face.
      "Emily is probably watching right now." She whispered faintly. I could feel her breath since we were so close. Minty.
      "I know." I whispered back.
      "What do we tell her?"
      "I'll figure something out, don't worry about it." I said. She got off me and blushed. I just smiled at her as she looked away for a moment. She was so cute when she got nervous like that.
      Just then, Emily came out of a corner and began applauding slowly. Oh god, it was more embarrassing than I thought it would be, mostly because she had to be so annoying about it.
      "That was really fun to watch." She said with a small chuckle, not as surprised as I thought she'd be.
      "You're disgusting." I said as I jumped to my feet. I gave Laura a hand, and she looked a bit shocked that I was being nice to her. She was about to take my hand when I moved it away. "I'm kidding. You have your own arms and legs. Get up." I said playfully. She scoffed lightly and rolled her eyes.
      "Not that whole tongue and moaning part, but the scene itself." Emily said.
      "Shut up, there was no moaning." I said.
      She laughed. "I was watching from another perspective, you don't know what I heard." I almost blushed thinking of how amused she must be after watching that. "But damn, Laura, you were pretty good when you were like 'yes bitch kiss me now'. That was great confidence right there." I turned to Laura to see her blushing harder.
      "I didn't say that!" She whined. I laughed.
      "You kinda did." I said with a smirk. She flicked me.
      "I'm not that desperate for you."
      "Liar." I said as I flicked her back. She swatted my hand away.
       Emily cleared her throat. "So... Should I tell the other members??" She asked mischievously.
      "No!" Me and Laura exclaim at the same time.
      She laughed evily. Shit, maybe we should've saved our romantic moment for later, because Emily uses blackmail very wisely. "Tell me, has this ever happened before?" She interrogated. There was no getting out of this.
      Me and Laura speak in sync once again, but this time with different answers. Laura slapped my shoulder. "Jimin!!" She said accusingly.
      "What? I was just being honest." I said with a chuckle. She sighed and hid her face in her hands.
      "Awwww look how nervous she is!!!" Emily yelled. God, this bitch was so fucking annoying. Honestly, she never shuts up. Yes, she's one of my best friends, but I seriously wish I could just mute her or something.
      "Emily, please-"
       "And your defending her now!!" She exclaimed happily as she interrupted. "This is so cute!!" She clapped her hands together excitedly. She was literally acting like a lonely little middle schooler. How sad. She laughed. "Ok I'm done now, and I won't tell anyone since this is great leverage... I'm planning things already." She said sinisterly with a smirk. Damn, so bypolar.
      "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just make sure this stays between the three of us." I said. She nodded.
       "Well we gotta meet up with the other members now, so act natural when they all get here." She said before shooting the air three times as the gathering signal. She pulled out her phone and called someone. "Kookie, meet us in the middle of the carnival  ground near the food area with the others." She instructed. Then she started smiling and walked a but further as she talked to him.
      "By the way, I want to hear the rest of that song one of these days." Laura randomly said with a grin. I was about to question her when she spoke again. "When I was in the bathroom earlier today, I heard you in your room singing."
      My face heated up. I never blush, and if I'm nervous I never show it. This is literally the one thing that gets me. She's found my weakness. "T-that wasn't me..." I stutter. Shit, I can't let her see this side of me.
       "Don't give me any excuses. I could tell it was your voice. You were g-..." She stopped herself. "Not that bad."
      "You were about to say good." I said a bit happily.
       "No I wasn't. You weren't that bad though..." Such a bad liar, she must be terrible in her classes with J-Hope. "What was that song?" She asked.
      I looked away. "Nothing."
      She nudged me with her elbow. "Come onnn!" She persisted. "Did you write it?" She asked, suddenly very interesting on this topic. Luckily, I didn't have to talk about it for any longer because Emily interrupted us.
      "Alright, they're on there way." She said. Around two minutes later everyone arrived and we sat in a big circle. God, what is this, kindergarten? They made Laura share how many wounds she got, a total of 6, including one death. We all told everyone else what happened in our mini battle. After a short while of taking a break, V spoke up.
      "Hey guys, since we're already here... Why don't we play a game?" He asked. Of course he would suggest that.
       "Like what?"
      He grinned. "Hide and seek."

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