Chapter 12

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      "Today's lesson is how to be a proper con artist. You need to be able to lie very well to your dad when you meet him so he doesn't suspect a thing." J-Hope told me. Just the thought of meeting my father was both thrilling and scary, very nerve wracking. Never in my whole life did I think I would be having 'lying classes' but here I am, sitting in the living room with a criminal who is going to teach me how to be a horrible person.
      "I'm gonna tell you two stories. Only one of them is true. You're going to have to find out while one is a lie. Pay really close attention to my guestures, my tone, pitch, speed, expression, etc." I nodded. I had a feeling I was going to be terrible at this little game.
      "When I was 4, my father died from committing suicide." He licked his lips and settled his hand in his laps. He looked down at them when he said this and sighed before continuing. He looked up at me, making eye contact. "He had just lost his job, and he and his wife were having extreme issues, and his own son was giving him a hard time. I've always kinda blamed myself for his death..." His voice trailed off, he stared into the distance for a moment before licking his lips again and looking down at his hands. "I never did what he told me to do, I talked back and stole his money, called him stuff you never want to hear, point is... I was horrible to him." His head was down, he was avoiding eye contact. His voice cracked a tiny bit so he cleared his throat. "From then on it was just me and my mom. She was almost never home. She was always sleeping around and fucking random people and drinking. It wasn't necessarily because of my dad's death, she was just always like this. Eventually, with no one to teach me better, I began to follow her ways and..." He stopped speaking. He took a deep, shaky breath, his gaze still not meeting mine. He finally looked up at me, straight into the eye. "That's how I became the piece of shit I am right now. And as much as I want to blame my family for that, I know it's my own fault." There was a moment of silence. "I'll be right back." He said as he got up and went to the bathroom. I heard the faucet turn on. I was tied down, obviously, so I couldn't go anyway. I thought about what he just said, thinking about everything he did, was it a lie or truth? His reaction to his own story was intense, but it could all be an act...
      He came back a minute later. The tips of his hair were wet, like he had washed his face. Hmm. "Alright, next story." He sat down in front of me again. "About 6 years ago, I was still living with my mom, she was still being her irresponsible self. I had to work 3 different jobs to pay rent since she didn't even have one. I was the one taking care of her, even though it should've been the other way around." He spoke somewhat confidently, he was looking right at me. His elbows were on his knees and his hands were laced together. "I had already met Namjoon by now, we had been friends for a very long time. I told him about my mom, and soon after I did..." He paused. He looked at the ground. "He all of a sudden... Taught me how to use a gun. I thought he just wanted to show me, at that time I didn't know the real reason." He shifted in his seat. "After a while of training, I remember him saying to me 'do it'. I was so confused, but I eventually knew what he was talking about. So when I had had enough of my shitty mother," he exhaled a laugh and smiled bitterly. "That was my first kill." What the fuck!? Who the hell is horrible enough to kill their own mom!? Even if she was the most terrible person in the world, she gave him life. I can't believe he would do that!
      Exactly! I can't believe it. This one is the lie. He was also being pretty vague on details and he talked somewhat quickly....
      J-Hope snapped me out of my thoughts. "So, which one is true?"
      "The first one is true, second is a lie." I say. I was pretty sure I was correct. He smiled satisfyingly.
      "Wrong. First one is a lie, the seconds one is true."
      The first thing I felt was disgust. How could he! That's just horrible. The second thing I felt was disappointment. Of course I was wrong. It's not like I was a professional. That's what I was here for. To learn.
      "The whole 'I'll be right back' was an act. To make something believable, you need emotion. When you have someone's sympathy on your side, it's so much easier to manipulate them. If you use your emotion, you can toy with their's." He said. I nodded. He was good at this, he must've been lying for a long time.
      "I just have one question. If the first story was fake, but in the second one you still lived alone with your mom, where was your dad?" I asked. I knew it wasn't my place to ask, but I couldn't help it. He smiled grimly.
      "He was still dead, but he died a much more interesting death, a much better tale to tell." I sat in my chair expectantly. He noticed and chuckled softly. "One that I don't intend on telling you." Oh. I was slightly disappointed since my curiosity gets the best of me, but I guess it's better not to know since it's more "interesting" and God knows what that's supposed to mean.
      "Okay then." I said without pressing further. He nodded.
      "Alright, well it's your turn. Two stories, one true, one fake."
      Hm, what stories besides being kidnapped do I have to tell? My life hasn't been anything special so far. I thought for a little while till I knew exactly what I would say.
      "Before I turned 7, I had a sister. She was in the army." I say this slowly, while looking J-Hope in the eye. "Her name was Kimberly. She was amazing. Even though she wasn't home much, when she was around I was the happiest. We would always have fun together, all three of us. Lucas, Laura, and Kimberly. We were a team. A team that was tied together with Kim." Hoseok nodded. I took a deep breath. "On January 14, 2003, she had to go on a mission. I never forgot that day. She wasn't allowed to give any details whatsoever about this mission, only that she had no idea when she would come back. She wasn't even able to communicate with us. She basically disapeared." I began to make my voice shaky, as if I was going to break at any given moment. J-Hope looked like he believed it, he was leaning forward in his chair, listening carefully. Perfect. Giving the exact date seemed to make all this sound real. "So, it had been 5 years. 5 years. I was 12 now. She had missed so much in that time, nothing could make up for it. She still hadn't come back, and my mother had had enough suspense. We went all the way over to the nearest army base and demanded to get in touch with the general of Kim's group of soldiers. We did. My mother yelled at him, asking 'how much longer till my daughter comes back!? How much longer will my family have to be broken?' The general was so confused. He told us that there had never been a secret mission. Not one that took place 5 years ago, anyway. He... He told us that..." I wasn't sure what to say then, so I took a deep breath a pretended I was struggling not to cry. I came up with something, so I continued. "He told us that my sister had never came back to work after that last visit we had with her." Cue tears. I wasn't sure how I did it, but I literally started to cry. I wasn't bawling or sobbing, just tears falling down my cheeks. Quietly mourning. I guess my emotional story got to me. Good thing it did, Hoseok looked like he believed it entirely.
"Laura..." He said quietly. Yep, I've got him completely fooled. I kept up the act and continued speaking.
"She had ran away. She chose to not communicate, to disappear. At that point, I realized that our little team, our family, was never good enough for her. That was how I officially lost my sister." I exhaled while still crying. I would cover my face to make it more dramatic, but I was tied down. "Sorry, you don't wanna see this. I'm sorry."
J-Hope walked up to me and patter my shoulder. "It's okay. It's really fine. I'm sorry, about your sister." I suddenly stopped crying and was on the verge of laughter. I was so fucking good at this. I hung my head low and struggled to keep it in. Giggles started to come out of my mouth. Hoseok just kept standing there, so I guess it sounded like I was still crying. Eventually, I burst.
"OH MY GOD YOU FELT FOR IT SO BAD!" I yelled while laughing super hard. I was dying. This boy was practically professional con artist, and he fell for my lie. He looked so shocked and confused.
"Wait, that was fake!? No way!" He said while starting to laugh too.
"I don't have no fucking sister! I made that whole thing up on the way." My face hurt from smiling to much, something I haven't felt very much till I got here. Till there guys "ruined my life". But did they really? Wait, yes they did, because they're making me murder my father. There I go again, going soft on these ass holes. But J-Hope was smiling at me.
"Good job, Laura, that was great. You're right, I totally fell for it. I don't know how you got yourself to cry, but it topped off the act perfectly. Keep this up." The compliment shamefully made me feel really good about myself. What type of genuinely good person feels happy with themselves when they lie?
The answer is simple... I'm just not a good person anymore. I don't think I ever was.

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