Chapter 17* (Special Chapter)

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This is gonna be a long one so prepare yourself
I've divided this into 4 separate chapters because it's all for the most part in the same day and a lot of shit happens in a day and all 4 are labeled "(Special Chapter)" because of how it takes place in one day but it's the specific day that matters.

~//Friday October 27\\~
C Divide P0V

Tomorrow is my birthday, the day of birth, the day of which I came out from my mothers womb. I'm excited, not only is it my birthday tomorrow, but all of us are going to a party with the mayor of Jump City to celebrate an entire year of my service, my fast transition to the hero life, and I get to meet to mayor tomorrow.

"Friend C Divide," I hear Starfire call my name.

I walked out now my room and down to hers where she is standing smiling in the door frame.

"Yea Star," I answered.

"I already gave Raven her dress for tomorrow, you can pick from what I have right here," Starfire said gesturing to the dresses laid out on her bed.

"I kinda like these two," I said pointing to a black dress and a purple dress.

"Ok," Starfire picked up the remaining dresses, "Try them on, I want to take part in the choosing, I will give the critsisim," she said.

I picked up the dresses and went to the bathroom to change Starfire following me.

I put on the black dress first and I liked it I won't lie but to me it didn't give out that, 'it's my mother fucking birthday,' vibe. I came out of the bathroom seeing Starfire waiting outside with the other dress.

"Ooooh, I like this, turn around please," I did as I was told and turned around so she can get a 360 veiw of me.

"I like it, but it in some ways makes you look somewhat of the flat," she said.

"I think I agree but I do like this, I get to keep it right," I said.

"Of course, I got it for you, consider it you early birthday present," she smiled handing me the other dress.

"Thanks Starfire," I said heading back into the bathroom to change.

I put on the purple dress and looked at myself in the mirror, admiring myself from back to front.

"Not bad," I said to myself.

I exited the bathroom once more only to see Starfire face light up at the mear sight of me.

"I really like this on you friend C Divide, please tell me you like it too," Starfire squealed.

"I really do like it, and that surprising for a dress," I said.

"Than take it," she said, "that will be the dress you wear tomorrow than, if you like it that much."

"I guess so than, thanks Star," I said.

"The pleasure is all mine," she said happily.

I went back into the bathroom to change back to my uniform and came out carrying both of the dresses I liked and back to my room.

I walked into my room and really took in the fact that I've been in this place for a year now, when I first came this room was basically white and then with just the snap of my fingers I made it mine before I even knew I was one of them yet but there was this feeling it would happen.

I put the dress I picked onto a hanger and hung it on a hook next to my bed and underneath I placed a pair of biker boots on the floor, there's not way in hell I'm wearing heels and the biker boots I own are beautiful with the black gems I put on there.👌I love them so much.

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