Chapter 5

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C Divide P0V

Arround 1 in the morning I went down to the kitchen to get some water when I noticed Cyborg come in after me.

"Hey Cy, what are you doing up this late;" I asked.

"Full battery, I needed to unplug to avoid damaging my battery, and you," he said.

"I understand, I have a lot of electronic thingies, and I just came down for some water," I said grabbing a cup.

"Hey D," Cyborg said. I looked at him questioningly.

"Um, D?" I said.

"Well, Robin calls you Divide, Beastboy calls you CD, Raven sometimes calls you C, I wanted to be original," he explained.

"K, you we're saying", I said.

"I heard talking coming from your room earlier, we're you on the phone or something," Cyborg asked.

"Oh, what did you hear?" I asked cautiously. No one knows about my brother, I'll tell them when the time us right.

"Something about how many grudges you have against people," he said chuckling. How is it funny I wanna fucking murder these people.

"Oh well, maybe I was talking to someone, it was a while ago," I said.

"Oh, well if it was one of your friends are they cute," he asked ever to find out. I smirked.

"What about your baaaby Bumble Beeee," I said teasingly.

"Ever heard of back up plans," Cyborg said.

"Well my friends aren't as cute as me," I said flipping my short curly hair that was currently not in a pony tail, "but sure they're pretty cute."

"OK, what are their numbers," he said.

"Like I'm gonna tell you," I said turning back to the common room door trying to go back to my room, the key word here is trying. I tripped and fell on my face making the back of my black oversized shirt I was wearing go up a little reveling my cheetah print pink short shorts.

"Never thought you we're one to wear pink," Cyborg said laughing his his cybernetic little head of.

"I'm not I just didn't have anymore shorts to wear, and your lucky I'm actually wearing shorts I'd usualy be in my underwear," I said getting up and crossing my arms.

"Ok I didnt need that image," he said turning away from me.

"Thought so," I said going back to my room.

(I'm making Cyborg a pervert for only a second) Cyborg P0V

I watch her walk away seeing how her long legs have almost the perfect little curves and watching hips sway sire to side like she a model than I think back to when she fell, those were some short shorts, what should've surprised me more is how she fit into those.

"Dat ass is real nice doe," I whispered hoping she didn't hear.

"WHAT!" oh crap she heard, I better start running. I turned around so I could run only to be met with her face as she was floating slightly above the ground.

"Um..." What was I suppose to say to her she could have me disassembled with only a snap of her fingers.

"Now what was that about my ass," she said in a demonic voice as her eyes flickered blue every now and then probably trying hold in the power she could have used on me.

"Nothing," I said sweating bullets.

"Oh no I heard something come out of your mouth Cyborg," she said through gritted teeth.

The New TitanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora