Chapter 10

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~Christmas Eve~
C Divide P0V

Alot happened a few weeks ago but hey it's almost Christmas so I can't complain. I wake up a drowsy and tired I touch my head and feel all the frizzy little curls on my head, then I felt a small electric jolt and blue sparks. I guess it's time for a meditation session with Raven. I get out of bed and walk up to my mirror and grab a comb but when I see my refection that's when I get scared. I look in the mirror and see my hair is straight.

"Whoa," I say looking down at my hands that look to be covered in blue sparks, "I guess I need to meditate more than I thought," I said.

Well I guess I should get dressed. I got dressed in my regular uniform and look down at my hands and see that the blue sparks had started glowing. I put on my fingerless gloves and try to forget about it but that's a little hard because it's started to burn.

I go down to the kitchen and found all eyes on me.

"What," I asked.

"Your hair," said Cyborg.

"It's straight," said Beastboy.

"An it looks like it's starting to glow," said Robin.

I grabbed a spoon and looked in it seeing my hair was glowing.

"Well I know my hair us straight, I woke up felt a jolt and boom straight hair, and why my hair is glowing, yeah you guys should be scared, and it won't stop glowing til the task is furfilled," I said a little devilishly.

"What happens when your hair glows," Beastboy asked.

"Oh nothing much, but you better watch out, this is gonna be so good, maybe I should ask Raven to help," I said smiling creepily. My favorite time of year.

I went in the kitchen and got my bacon and made my self some tea. Tea and bacon the only good things in this world.

"And a candy cane for the season," I whispered as I put a candy cane in tea.

I ate and walked down the hall to Ravens room and knocked.

"Beastboy if it's you I'm still sore from last time," Raven yelled through the door before opening it.

"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that," I said.

"Oh its you, well what brings you here, and I like your hair by the way it's longer than I expected," raven said.

"Thanks and that's exactly why I'm here," I said.

"Really what's up," she said inviting me in her room.

"It's my powers, they've gone a bit bat shit crazy," I said.

"Is this supposed to be a surprise," she said.

"No but... they're getting stronger, I can feel it, and just this morning I got electrified by my powers which is why my hair is straight," I said.

"And glowing?" she asked.

"Oh no that just happens around Christmas time, and belive it or not the only way for it to stop is to play a successful prank or joke in the cruelest way possible, scary but I like it," I chuckled.

"So your gonna play a prank on Beastboy," she said smiling.

"Oh you bet cha," I said, "but by any chance can I meditate with you, I need to get my powers under control and I should have an idea for what I'm gonna do to the little grass stain by than, mostly the powers but there's a long list I gotta get through," I said.

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