Chapter 15

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C Divide P0V

I'm the only one left.

The others unconscious and scattered along the floor.

"You won't win Shade," I spat firing up my powers.

I was tired and basically beaten to death my uniform was becoming to weaken and would probably rip if hit with another strong, my gloves long since discarded.

"Why wouldn't I, my power revolves around darkness and shadow and yours is about what a math problem," he joked in an evil voice, "don't deny it, your whole team is unconscious and you look like you could use a nap yourself, I will win and you'll lose," he said floating up to me and placing a finger under my chin.

"No, I refuse to believe that, I won't give up," I said ripping myself away from him and float up slightly from the anger I feel towards him.

Shade just smirked and turned himself into a dark shadow and reappeared in front of me.

"You know, you not all that bad looking, maybe I could take you home as a souvenir," he said coming dangerously close to my face.

I just growled and pushed him back with my powers.

"Why would I even consider such a thing," I yelled out my eyes flickering blue.

He turned himself into a shadow again and appeared behind me and whisper in my ear.

"We both have something to hide."

"No!" I screamed, "I refuse! I will never go with you or consider you any more than what you've shown us today! So get the fuck away from me," I screamed shooting magic at him with every word I said pushing him back into a wall.

"You still don't get it do you," he said getting up from the wall.

"I still don't get what," I asked skeptically.

He walked up to me and lifted me up by the neck choking me.

"That when I want something, I intend to get it," he said squeezing my neck slightly.

I gasped for breath trying to get as much air as I could, "Never," I choked out.

He squeezed my neck tighter, "You have 2 options, you die leaving your pressious team a stray or you can come with me to be my.... playmate, there's no third option," he said venom trickling his voice.

"You son of a bitch," I choked reaching your his hand trying to loosen his grip but it was no use.

Despite being a shadow Shade was pretty good at rebuilding and organizing his molecular structure. But I very got my own molecular structure to manipulate. I doubled myself and tried to kick him in the nuts but my foot just went right through him.

"That tickles," he said choking me further.

I tried to push him but again went right through him, even my magic passed right through him unlike what had happen previously.

"It's no use, your mearly powerless  against me now," Shade said triumphantly.

"Are you... draining my power?" I said barely breathing out.

"Something like that," he said squeezing only a little bit tighter. Any tighter and I might actually die.

"I... I... will never... go... with you... just let... me... go," I said slowly losing breath as things began looking darker and darker.

*//Dream Over\\*
C Divide P0V

I woke up with a jump.

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