Chapter 3

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C Divide POV

I'm a Titan. Wow. Never thought I'd say this but, I already love the feeling of being a super hero. The fact that I was accepted or even able to stay here, it's just... I'm actually a Titan. I wake up in my in my room surrounded by my soft navy blue sheets but than once again...


I destroy my alarm clock with a ball of navy blue fire.

"No more beeping I can wake up on my own," I said to the ashes that used to be an alarm clock. Why did I even bring it?

I got out of my bed and walked up to my mirror. I like sleeping with my hair loose but...God it definitely causes problems in the morning. I grabbed a brush and brushed out my hair watching each small curl unravel (oof Tokyo Ghoul vibes), it was really frizzy so I grabbed my gel from a drawer and ran my hands through my hair gel on hands.

"There, and now," I said to my self, than began shaking my head to make my curls more loose and not so stiff.

(A/N: you see the struggles I have to deal with)

"And now the hard part, tying my hair without breaking the hair tie," I said in attempt to tie my hair. I already broke 4 hair ties in 2 days, this one has to work. I finally got my hair did up and now the easy part is just getting my clothes on. I got my prepared uniform on and walked out of my room and found my way to the kitchen.

"Cy, Bacon, remember," I said to Cyborg.

"Don't think I forgot," he said setting the Bacon in front of me with a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks, your a true friend," I said wiping a fake tear from my eye and chuckling.

"Anything for our newest member," he said patting me on the back.

(A/N: My shipping sense in tingling )

Raven walked in a moment later to make her morning tea, I finish my Bacon and asked...

"What kind of tea is that?"

"Herbal tea, real leaves" she said.

"Hm, my mom used to make herbal tea when I was little cause I refused to take naps, it would calm me down and no other tea would," I stated a little quietly.

"Would you like some?" she asked me.

"Maybe a little," I said with a small smile which she copied.

We took our tea and sat on the couch taking small sips of the hot tea. When we finished we put our mugs in the sink and sat in silence. Silence is a beautiful thing, but than it was ruined when Beastboy walked in a little bit later.

"Hey guys," Beastboy said rather loudly.

I looked back and waved at him when I noticed the way Raven was looking at him. Weird.

"Raven... can I speak to you for a moment," I said gesturing towards the door.

"Um ok," she said and followed me to the hallway.

"What was that all about," I asked.

"What was what all about," she countered.

"The way you just looked at Beastboy," I said giving her a weird look.

"Oh that, that was nothing," she said pink coating her cheeks.

"Oh my God," I said in realization.

"What?" she asked.

"Oh my God, you like him," I said smiling.

"What I don't," she said blushing.

"Oh yes you do I can see it in your eyes," I said now smiling real big.

"No," she said now tomato faced.

"K, well would you admit Beastboy as a friend or more," I said coming a little bit closer to her.

"Well I wouldn't say he's a friend but not really more but somewhere in the middle," she said.

"Yep ya like him," I said.

"But, I..." She said blushing even more if that was possible.

"You've shown all the signs, trust me... I know how it feels," I said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"OK fine I like Beastboy but I'm not sure I'm ready to tell him yet," she said with some actual emotion.

"It's better to tell him sooner rather than later.... I know," I said whispering the last part.

"Did you have a special someone," she asked completely out of character.

"Maybe you should talk to Starfire, she'd know more about this," I said looking down.

"Maybe but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go to her, you seem to know what you're talking about," she said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe..." I said quietly, "but I was pretty much the queen of failed relationships back in middle school, I don't wanna pass that on."

"That maybe but you don't appear to be in middle school anymore, opinions change as you get older," she said.

"I know... maybe you should listen yourself rather than me," I said.

"What do you mean," she said.

"You said opinions change as you get older, the longer you wait to tell Beastboy, could be the time he takes to find someone else," I said.

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