Oh crap I'm in love.

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yo. so I spell baby Neil's name with an I instead of like 'Neal' for if I ever have adult Neal and baby Neil in a fic together. Lit? lit.

It was almost 6:30 pm which means that Emma is almost 30 minutes late. She has a plate of cookies in her hands though so it should distract her mother and Regina from the fact that she's yet again late to a family dinner. It's not her fault she's always late, she hasn't had much practice with family dinners and or anything relating to families at all. David, Henry, and Neil don't really care that she's late when she shows up so she isn't worried about how they will react but honestly when she walks into the house her mother's first thought is that she was either injured or upset. She doesn't think of the fact that maybe Emma is just really bad at time management or that maybe she just pretended to not notice it was time to head over to the new Charming family house because whether she is surrounded by family now it doesn't make up for the years of being alone and, to be honest, she kind of misses not being asked a million questions a day. Of course, she isn't saying she wants to go back to being an orphan, but she wouldn't say no to fewer family dinners involving everyone. They have them three times during the week and then one on the weekend, it's killer. 

She makes it to the new farmhouse that her parents have now and walks in the front door, everyone stops and looks at her, "I brought cookies?" She smiles and holds the cookies up a little bit higher, out of the corner of her eye she sees Neil wobbling towards her.

"Mema, Mema Mema!" He reaches to be picked up by his older sister and she willingly passes the cookies off to her dad and picks him up.

She smiles at him and puts him on her hip, "you got the right amount of letters in my name little dude but you mixed it all up." She pokes his nose and he leans his head on her shoulder, "I don't see how Mema is easier than Emma. Are you just doing it for the cuteness factor?" He just looks at her with a little smile and his head still resting on her, she laughs because he totally probably is.

"You do realize he isn't going to answer you right, dear?" Regina walks up to her and rubs Neil's back with a small smile at how much he loves his big sister. 

Emma had been paying attention to her little brother and hadn't noticed the brunette which surprises her, she always notices Regina. "Hey Regina," she looks at her with a smile, "and don't underestimate this little man, he's butchering my name on purpose."

"He's 3, not an evil mastermind." She raises her eyebrow at the blonde who still doesn't look convinced.

"Okay, Gina," Emma smirks and walks towards the kitchen after saying her brother's nickname for her. "Keep telling yourself that, but when he takes over the world he will recruit me first since I'm so smart and noticed first. Right, Neil?"

"Mema!" He says with a laugh and then plays with Emma's jacket. 

Emma just looks over her shoulder at Regina with a smirk, the brunette rolls her eyes and walks into the living room where Henry was playing a video game with David. 

"He is not going to take over the world Emma," her mother scolded. "Don't be putting any of those ideas into his head, he's very impressionable at this age." 

Emma chuckles at her mom, "Yeah right. I'll make sure to not teach him how to make a bomb or shoot my gun at this very impressionable age." Snow knew she was being sarcastic so she tried to ignore it with a small 'are you done' look. "I'll teach him when he's older obviously." 

"EMMA!" Snow said with a gasp but the blonde in question had already stolen some cheese and then ran away into the living room where she sat on the floor and put Neil in her lap to watch her dad fail at video games. She thinks she made him nervous that she was watching because he got a more concentrated look on his face and it made her chuckle. Dads, always trying to impress their daughters that they stuffed into a wardrobe not even an hour after they were born with a destiny to save their humanity. 

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