I missed out

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"We see that you dance but can you preform?" Nick says as we all chill by the mirrors

"I'm not much of a performer" i say back hoping they don't ask me to dance

"Don't you do dance at school?" He says that and I just look back at him trying to remember the time i told him that

"Yeah i do" i look around and everyone "ok fine I'll dance but I normally dance with people so come" i get up gesturing them to come "ok so it goes one two three arms arms arms leg one two"

After about fifth teen minutes they got it down it took me hours but what ever

"Ok kl thats it" i walk over to the speaker putting on sin city by christian

Sin sin city wasn't made for you

Angels like you

Oh you know it (x16)

I look around at the end

"Yay" i clap

They all just stand there


"When you said you wasn't a performer was you sure?" Edwin speaks up


"Well I don't think you was!" Zion says hugging me "that was amazing"

I smell his cologne and oh my lord i can get used to it

"Who's hungry?" He says letting go of me as the boys start getting ready to leave "Do you like sushi?"

"Never had it in my life"

"Well your going to today"

I put my trainers back on

"Do you tumble?" Z asks as the boys start to leave

"My favourite thing to do" i stand as z puts his arm around me

"Hey how come you didn't do the dance alone you didn't need us"

"I was just scared it wasn't going to look good if it wasn't planned out"

He holds my hand

Stopping me from walking as i feel how cold he is

"Come here" i pull him to the side as the boys walk further ahead putting my hand on his face "your freezing Zion" i look at what his wearing "you need to put something on"

"Ok quickly" he says running back in 2 minutes later his out "good"

"Better" i hold his hand

"Your cute"

"Thanks I know boys hate it but so are you"

"Thanks" he says in a high pitched voice

We get to the restaurant and boy was there sushi it all just looked weird and its cold

I just get what Zion gets and hopes for the best we get our food even though I just was chicken right now I don't say anything and walk back

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now