Why the fuvk

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I sit still in my chair as they band my leg to stop the bleeding Zion holds my hand all the way to the hospital

We get in there and I'm reminded that the stitches are the least of my problems

I know this hospital


I look around

"What is it?"

"How do you know I'm thinking something?"

"I just know what is it?"

"They have to call home like by law"

"What so bad about that"

"They will no I wasn't with Tasha and i was with you"

"What does that mean"

"I'm like the youngest girl they think of me as a baby"

"So no boys"


"Well I can't leave you now can i"

"Why not?"

"I'm the best kind of person" he laughs

"I guess you are"

They numb my leg and start stitching
I hear a group of foot steps scared it was my family i looked over at Zion trying to think of a story

The curtains pull back

"Are you ok?" Austin says

"Sorry for running in here" nick says

"I said we should have waited" Brandon looks at me sympathetic

"Oh my god his...her leg...blood" Edwin faints at the sight of my leg

"Edwin" i say trying my hardest not to laugh as the boys catch him the nurse doing my leg calls for him to be placed in the bed next to me

"You guys really thought Edwin could handle being in here?" Zion said slightly annoyed

"I'm going remember that I'm not going to laugh until I know his fully ok but it was funny"

As we all started laughing the curtains are pulled back again

"Hi honey" my mum says soo happily too happily

"Mum" i say bluntly "All I needed was stitches" i try to explain

"All I needed was stitches" she mimics me "sorry boys mother and daughter time"

The boys couldn't wait to leave me the tension she brought was so uncomfortable

As Zion passes my mum he turns mouthing to me

Call me

I smile

"She won't" my mum says as she noticed my smile and I don't know developed eyes in the back of her head "honestly what is wrong with you ?"

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat