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I'm like 1,2&5 ^^

Maybe 9 coz this the end

I smiled getting up as Maliki calls

"Mummm mumm"

"Yes babaa"
It's 8 am I'll have you know

"Out please" he looks at me waiting for me to I take him out

Why did i trust him?

It's the only question I have?

Why was I so trustworthy of a total stranger?

Why did I let the hair, the eyes, the hight and the accent trick me?

I've done this

I've allowed this

There has to be a moment when you sit back and think wow

This is that moment

"Caleb?" I hold the phone to my ear


"Tell me right now what to do?"

"About what?"

"Us tell me now so there's no confusion"

"I love you what do you mean-"

"See that right there Why Should I Trust You?"

"I don't know what makes me more trustworthy then this" the door knocks

"Caleb..." I drop the phone looking at every inch of his face

"Savannah..." he looks straight into my eyes

I put my arms around him and I cry because I don't know what else to do

"Come on sav talk to me," he says as we sit on the sofa

"we are a mess and I know for a fact that we are never going to find it easy living in two different counties and having demanding jobs" I sob "Caleb the worlds against us"

"Listen" he holds me as I snuggle into his chest "We are going to find things hard but that's life you jumped from being a child to having one and that's without me being an asshole towards you the whole pregnancy things are never going to just be easy for us"

"Mummy!" Maliki comes over concerned as hell

"Come baba" I pick him up hugging him as Caleb hugs me


one year later

"Malikai listen you go nursery play and then I will come straight back for you ok?"

I hate leaving him

He normally cries and then I leave and cry on my way to work but this is how it got to be Zions all over the place on tour but once he finishes he comes and spends time with us.

Talking of us

I don't-want to be with anyone else but I also don't want to be worrying about him as much as I do although there is no reason for me to be worrying as much as I do because he's never cheated on me

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now