Can i do this

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We get to the hospital with my mum waiting for us as soon as we get in

Getting Tasha onto a stretcher

"I want to push" she says

"No Tasha no" we pick up the speed running to the lift

I call Blake because it doesn't look like he's going to make it

"Where are you?"

"Literally 5 minutes away"

"Hurry" i cut off the phone

we get to her room and within two minutes her mother was by her side i start trying to leave because I know this will traumatise me

"No you best stay"  she looks up at me face full of sweat

I shake my head

"By my side NOW Savannah!" I do as I'm told "you have all this to come" her mum looks at me now

This isn't my moment

"Savannah your-"



"Thanks mrs p"

I hold out my hand she takes it and nearly brakes it

"Why can't i push!!" She shouts at one of the Nurse's

"We haven't been able to scan you to make sure the cord isn't around babies neck"

"-" before she could continue

"I made it!!" Blake runs in

"Do you want a fuvking trophy!" She straight away screams at him

"Ok the scan is fine on your next contraction push ok"

"You best watch Savannah"

"I'm not watching it come out"

I look down quickly

"You could have shaved" I laugh

She isn't laughing

She's pushing

And screaming

And i am actually scared

"One more"

She holds my hand and Blake's and gives it her all

I hear the baby start screaming

"Its a baby boy" the nurse wraps him up after weighting him

"You did so well" I wipe her forehead and she is drained

They hand him to her as we all start crying

My mum wasn't able to be on the case because she knew her what a shame

I take a picture of him then Blake hand him to me and I'm crying again

"He's so beautiful"

"You got names yet?"

"Amari" she smiles "yep thats it"

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