A year later

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"Zion's coming London" Tasha looks over at me from the sofa

"And....so what I'm so over him" i say looking at my babies finger nails "I'm not talking about this anymore"

"Yea you are"

"And why is that"

"One sec" someone calls her "yeah you can have him next weekend ... ok kl" she puts down the phone "don't you ever want to have that same conversation?"

"I never will he lives in literally a different country"

"Here" she hands me the phone

I look at the number
"Um hello"

"Hi" sigh "I hear your in London"

"And I want to see you"


"Because we have catching up to do"

"No you have catching up to do you've been a dick"

"Listen I'm here in London and i need to see you"

"Whatever" i cut off the phone "why and how are you in contact with him?"

"He was scared to call you"

"HE...he has me blocked wtf!"

"Are you going?"

"No Tasha he doesn't even know he has a son!"

The sit down - guess I ended up going with my stink attitude

I get out the car leaving my mum and in the car

"You sure-"

"Mum i have to do this alone"


I walk in and there he is

In 12 months the only thing that changed about him is is dreads that are longer

I sit

"Can you sit up at least?" I say as He rolls he's eyes "you asked me to meet you ..." he wants me to catch a case beating him the fuck up at this point

"Yeah the ring made me come"

"A year later"

"I was upset"

"Ok fine fare enough but a year"

"Time just-"

"Yeah i bet it did"

"Why are you being like this?"

"I tried to get through to you in every way possible"

"I'm here now"

"I needed you before..." i sigh trying not to cry

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now