Wat am i doing?

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It's been two days since Zion took Malakai

"You're not going to let him see him again are you?"

"Believe it or not I am but only because he's leaving tomorrow " I hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I fold some clothes

"Savannah I trust you but I don't trust him he still has a lot of growing up to do"

"I know"

"Just don't make quick decisions"

"Alright mum I'm gonna go"

"Don't be late"

"Okkkkk" I hang up

5 hours later

"Do you want to see your son?"

"Not a hello"

"You don't deserve that its a yes or no question"


"Well I'm at home" I cut off the phone why is it like I always owe him something when he does something wrong why should I be ok and act happy

Weird dude


"Afternoon" I pick up my laptop ignoring him

"So I'm not sure how to say I'm the sorriest I've ever been"

"Save it. all your sorries they give me a headache... just look after your son that is now sick with a cold because you brought him out without a coat or a hat"

"Why is he screaming like that"

"He's irritable because he's sick" I search up different classes I can take "because of you,"I say under my breath

"What do I do?" He runs to the kitchen trying to make a bottle

"I don't know" I continue looking at my laptop

"Savannah" he looks over at me eager

"Give him the ibuprofen it literally tells you how much"I get up coz I ain't trying to have his dumbass give my baby an overdose

As I show him what to do I can feel him looking at my face "look at the millilitre mark, not me"

Hour later

"Finally" I whispered as z walking in from putting M down

My phone rings
"Hiya Tash"

"I'm outside"

"Kl ok"I get her in "hows my baby boy aww he's sleeping "I look in the buggy"

"Hows little sickling?" She takes off her shoes

"Zion just got him to sleep"

"Zion's here wow weird"

"Now you're acting weird"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"I go back to sitting on my laptop

"So are you going to talk to me" Tasha sits down looking at me

"No I don't like you slut," I say effortlessly

"Wow that nearly hurt you whore," she says back

Zion looks from me to Tasha confused

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now