This is my life

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"So what you planning on doing today?"

"Um PrettyMuch just cleaning up my...what why did you make that face"

"Our groups called PrettyMuch"

"Wow ok are you guys preforming here in the uk or"

"Yeah I wanted to ask"

"I'll be there" i say as my mum opens my door "ok gotta go" I quickly end call

"Hiya mumm"

"Don't hiya me who was that"

"Tasha" i say not really wanting her to know about Zion

"No it was not"

"Yes it was" i huff

"why must you lie to me "

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Because your my daughter my little girl"

"No I'm not I'm turning 18 in 7 months when are you going to start treating like a young adult and not a child"

"Your in a mood again" she looks at me from head to toe i can tell she's seen my stitches

Zion's parents let he fly to England to pursue his dreams and yet I'm here being babied by a mother that actually has two babies to do that to

She get up from the end of my bed every time I talk to her its like she has to say the wrong thing that will piss me off

I get up cleaning my whole room as I listen to old school Chris brown i start singing along getting into the hovering

I don't want to be here anymore I've got a chance to go have fun and i turn it down for what hovering i start ready getting in the shower and putting some curl activator in my hair a cropped jumper and  black leggings on leaving the house i put my trainers on

"And where do you think your going?"

"For a walk"

"A walk?"

"Yea maybe go to tasha's house"

Tasha's like my only friend from primary school that stayed friends with me

"Alright then bye" my dad says

I get on the bus not that I know where I'm going


"Hi did my convincing work"

"Unfortunately yea" I laugh

"So you're coming to the studio?"

"Hell yea where is it tho"

"I'll send you an uber"

"You have no idea where i am what if it cost like £100 then what"

"I would pay it"

"Send me the post code"

"Be safe"

"I know these streets better than you bye" i put down the phone he's so protective over me it's weird

I put it in my Citymapper app and off i go one train one underground then a 10 minute walk

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now