Flash back

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Five months back
Place :LA
Doing:Dancing my heart out
Music: why don't you love me queen b

My first master class

At the end of the song as I finish the choreography i go off into my own world

May be your just not the one

I fake yawn and i slide slowly down into my splits

May your just plain

I mouth into the mirror rolling my eyes as the music stops

I look around remembering I'm in a room full of people

They all start clapping

"This is your first master class"

"Yeah" I don't think I've spoken the whole lesson everyone looks at me

"Your British"

"Yeah I'm here for holiday" I fully left Zion for this

"Well you have talent"


"Come back tomorrow we're doing contemporary if you able to-"

"Yeah of course I'll be here"

"Its early 9am"

"That's fine" i say literally over the mood

I love contemporary dance

I walk back into the house


No ones home

I get in the kitchen washing up everything and cleaning the house i smile to myself wondering how I ended up in a different country making Zion's bed

After making everyones bed i get an uber to my hotel

You didn't think i was staying there did you

Come on now z shares a room awkwarddd

Showering and looking through what I brought to see if i had any other dance clothes

Issa no

I'm out

Who brings one pair ffs


I go into a shop and catch a girl just starring at me

I form a weak smile due to my awkwardness

I move along

And there she is again

"Do I know you?" I ask in the most common way ever

"Yeah your with Zion" so thats a no 😬🤷🏽‍♀️😒

"I still don't remember your- oh you like PrettyMuch"

she a fan Savannah

"Yeah I'm sorry like I didn't want to come off as creepy"

She was hella creepy

"Oh no your fine"

"Can i take a picture "

"Yeah that's fine"

I look like trash

I look like trash

I look like trash

I buy my sportswear and try to leave as soon as possible


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