Chapter 17: Wonderful Feelings

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“You don’t have to do this you know…” I was lying in my bed and Tyrone was spooning me from behind. Fully clothed; I must say.

“Someone came into your house; I'm never going to leave your side again.” He mumbled into my hair, tightening his hold around me.

“I can protect myself!” I defended. And I can; I don’t like feeling helpless so I do the best I can not to.

“And how are you going to do that I may ask?” he pushed his elbow up on the bed and rested his chin in his hands.

“Are you forgetting that I kicked him? And it pretty hard by the looks of it.” I turned around to face him and give him a smug smile but his eyes seemed distracted.

“Let me see your eyes.” His slid his hands around my cheeks and bought my face up close to his. He peered into my eyes with such intensity that I had to look away under his gaze. “Your powers are coming in.” I couldn't help but smirk.

“Why are you laughing?” he let his hands drop from my cheek. I wanted them back there.

“It sounds so weird to call them powers…” I giggled. It was like those things where people ‘come of age’ or something, it was fascinating and weird at the same time.

“What do you want to call it then?”

“Special ability.” I smiled with triumph.

“You’re a clown.” He chuckled and pulled me into him, enveloping me in his tantalising scent.

“But how can my … special abilities… be coming in when we haven’t…” please don’t let me finish this embarrassing sentence. He bought is face closer to mines until his lips rested upon mines.

“Apparently it's soon...” He pulled me into a deep kiss but stopped abruptly. “Are you trying to distract me?”

“What makes you say that?” I breathed out breathlessly.

“Please don’t…” he rested his forehead against mines “I just can't have you at the brink of danger, I have to always be around you…” he whispered.

“I don’t mind….”

“Tae concentrate, I don’t think you're seeing the situation! Someone came into your house and tried to hurt you! Are you not feeling the least bit precautious?” he shook me erratically. In a flash, he moved from lying down to sitting on the edge of the bed with his heads in his hands and his back to me. “If you got hurt and I could do some thong about it and I didn’t; it would kill me. I can't let you come in harm’s way again. I rose up to my knees and shuffled over to him.

“I am worried. But do you want to know why I'm not overly worried?” I asked, running my hands over his shoulder.

“Yes, please, enlighten me.” he replied, mumbling into his hands

“I’m not worried because you're here. Because I know that you will protect me. Because I know that you won’t let anyone hurt Me.” he reached up behind him and cupped my hands to his face.

 “How can I be sure that you won’t get hurt?”

“You can't. But when do the best things in life ever come free?” he reached behind him and next thing I knew I was straddling him. “Can you stop using your wolf speed thing on me? Hello? Human!”

“Sorry! Force of habit… but Tae really, you need to let me protect you…”he fell back onto my bed.

“If I say yes can we change the subject?” I winged.


“Okay yes, you can protect me all you want.”

“Nice.” A big grinned contaminated his lips.

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