Jealous (Thomas)

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Summary: you're at an interview with your boyfriend Thomas. After it you're going to Starbucks and you reunite with someone out of your past. It's written in Thomas's POV.

"Y/n, are you ready sweetheart? I don't want to be late for the interview."
Thomas yelled from downstairs.
"Almost done!" She announced while straightening her hair.
I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket and waited for my beloved girlfriend. I love this girl but gosh, she likes to take her time. 

"Done!" She said while coming downstairs, looking like a Disney princess.
"Wow, Y/n you look beautiful!" She started to blush. O god, that sweet blushing of her! It could make any men melt immediately.

she said and I woke up out of my trance. "Ow sorry princess, did I stare again?"
"Yeah but it don't care, it's cute!"  We got into the car making our way to the interview. 

"Ladies first." I opened the door for my special Y/n and made a bow when she walked past me.  She giggled and waited for me so we could hold hands, together we walked to the studio where the interviewer was waiting for our arrival.

To be honest, I wasn't happy when I saw him. he looked pretty good and he couldn't take his eyes of MY girl.  He shook my hand carelessly. Y/n wanted to do the same. But instead of that he took her hand and kissed it! Y/n's little cheeks turned red and she looked away. The guy locked his eyes with mine and gave me an evil smirk.  This is going to take a while....  "Hello guys it's me your favorite interviewer, Brandon. With the famous Thomas Doherty and the o so gorgeous Y/n."
I gave that Brandon guy my irritated face again but he ignored it. Stupid jerk... 

Finally, the interview ended! It was so boring he barely asked me questions and the stuff he asked me was all about Y/n. Believe me I love her and I love it more to hear her talk, sing or laugh. But this just felt like an date where I was the third wheel! 
"Uggh I'm hungry, where shall we eat?" Y/n said while jumping on my back. I suggested Starbucks she agreed with it.  "What are you going to choose?" I asked her when we stood in the line waiting to make our order.  "The limited edition unicorn frappuccino. And a chocolate muffin" 
I told her that I was still doubting about what I want.
"let me choose.."  I agreed with her and she smiled like a little child. Silly things like this make her feel powerful and when she's powerful she's proud and when she's proud she's goddamn beautiful.
"2 chocolate muffins and two unicorn frappuccinos one medium one large, please."  The guy smiled and told her that the order would come as fast as possible. My princess was about to take her wallet out of her purse and pay for the food. But I stopped her before she could pay the guy "I'll pay."
"But Thomas you're always paying.."

"You can pay the next time"

"That's what you told me the last time too.."  I ignored her last comment and gave the guy his money. "Stop paying for everything." Y/n said and tried to bring it over serious. I smiled gave her a big hug and told her that a girl like her needs to get treated like a princess.  She smiled and opened her phone. And took an another snap for her Story on Snapchat
   "Hey Y/n!" We heard someone yell, we both turned around and I saw Y/n smiling from ear to ear.

"Jeff!" She ran to the black haired guy with freckles. She jumped in his arms and hugged him tight. Not our tight, it was still and friendly hug but still, he has no right to touch her.  "Hey." I said to that Jeff guy really trying to sound nice. He smiled and gave a little wave. I swung my arm around
Y/n's waist and held her close. "So what is your relationship with my sweet babygirl?" I asked trying to sound intimidating and kissed Y/n on her cheek. "Thomas!" She got a little irritated about the way I acted by her friend. He smiled "I'm just an old friend, nothing more nothing less."
I smiled "good." And kissed Y/n again this time on her lips.  Her face turned red again and she took my hand "I'm sorry Jeff but we need to leave, much stuff to do blah blah.. you know what it is." She didn't waited for an response and just left with me to the car.  "What was that?" She asked a little irritated. I looked away "what?"
"Thomas.." she looked at me with her big Ye/c eyes.  Ugh she knows that I can't lie to her when she looks like that! "Fine!" I said knowing I was defeated by her cuteness. "I was jealous.." I said really quiet.  "What?"  "I was.... jea..lous." I said looking away because I was afraid about her reaction. First it was really quiet but then she started to laugh. I asked her why.
  "First of all.." she started with tears in my eyes.  "Jeff is gay, so actually I need to be jealous." "Second, I will never leave you for anybody else." "Third, it's cute when you're jealous." 
I smiled out of relieve and kissed her with deserved love.  Y/n is the best girlfriend a man could imagine.  

So what do you guys think? It's a little different I think from the rest, Please comment me when you have some tips or something about Thomas Doherty I need to know.
Personally, this wasn't my best imagine.

Thomas Doherty/ Harry Hook X readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon