Stop it!- Thomas

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You and Thomas are together for queite some time. Today you decided to have a lazy day and accidentily (I don't even want to know how wrong that word is spelled XD) find out each others deepest darkest secrets. ----------------------------------------------------------

You and Thomas laid cuddled up in bed, just watching a few Disney movies and eating a lot of chocolate and candy.

You stretched out your hand reaching for the last part of the chocolate bar. But thomas stopped you, grabbing the piece of candy faster than you. You shot him a heartbroken glare but he only smiled pretending to eat the chocolate already. ''Aahh, this my favorite flavour. I'm going to ebjoy this so much!'' You climbed on top of him, trying your best to rip your favorite candy out of his hands. But sadly for you he is a lot stronger than your, it would be queite an event if you even maneged to move a little muscle of him. So you stopped with trying and stared at him with your big Ye/c eyes. ''Please Tommy..'' You knew he couldn't resist that cute little nickname you gave him, you were his weak spot. Especially when you tried, how could he ignore his perfect little princess? Thomas smiled, breaking the bar and giving the biggest part to you. You still glared at him. Pretty rude for someone who got the biggest part if you ask me.... Your boy raised a brow, questioning the weird looks you made. ''What is it love?'' You crossed your arms like a little child, showing how mad you can be of a piece of chocolate. ''I want it all!'' He laughed, damn well knowing that that candy in his hand is your favorite.

''Thomas give it back!''

He smirked, nibbiling on YOUR choclate.

''Thomas!'' you jumped on top of him, trying to get it your way in every manner you could think of. Suddenly you heard him giggle, making you understand what is happening. You stopped with your actions, staring at your oh so manly boyfriend. You raised a brow ''Youré ticklish, aren't you?'' 

He looked the other direction, his cheeks turning bright red. ''N-no...''

You laughed, wrapping your arms around him from behind kissing him in his neck. ''Don't worry, I think it is incredibly cute.'' You turned him around and kissed him on top of his nose. ''I'm ticklish too, you know?''

He smirked looking like he was Harry hook instead of Thomas Doherty. ''A pleasure to hear that.'' He jumped on top of you. Staring the most epic tickle war of history between the two of you.

Sorry for the late post guys. I have great ideas but the way how it works out is really crappy. Also my concentration isn't really working along. But i love writing for you guys and I'll do my best to post as many as i can.

Thomas Doherty/ Harry Hook X readerWhere stories live. Discover now