Traitor- Harry

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Summary: You are the daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow. In your past you had some team ups with Uma and her crew. But you ran of with the treasure and they were never able to find you again, until now..                                                                                                                                            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You peacefully walked around in the for your feeling fanciest place in the world. But to be more true, it was just the more fancier and more secret part of the isle.  Most people don't know of this place, not even those preppy princes and princesses back in Auradon. You're fairy glad to be here though, this place is not what you call cheap.

As you did on a daily base you went again to your favorite smoothie cafe and plopped down on your own chair. ''Hey Bobsy, same recipe just as always.'' He didn't react back and soon you started to notice the the man behind the counter was'nt  your buddy Bob. ''Hello?.''

The boy laughed, ''sure,'' He turned around, his familiar smirk scaring you easily.  ''But don't ye think we have something else to do?''

The rest of that event wasn't clear to you, you just remeber waking up in a pirate ship you wished to never see in your life again.

''Y/n!'' The voice of the girl you rather did'nt want to meet again. ''Haven't seen you in a while, how are ya?'' You shrugged, in your mind wishing you were still in your beautiful little mansion. ''Well it all was alright, until your little slave showed up and couldn't leave me alone..''

You were sitting there in a chair, benig tied up and your face reacting like a five year old who got caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. Uma enjoyed the view, finally she got the one who betrayed her the most. ''Don't you have something that belongs to me, considering the time it got you to come to me i'll ask the double.''

You sighed out of boredom, almost every single person you teamed up with in your past needs something of you. you rolled your eyes and started the sentence you repeated today for the 88th time. ''For the last time, i owe you nothing, I won't owe you anything and it was your fault trusting me!''

Uma crossed her arms. ''of course...'' she sighed, the frustration in her voice incredibly high. ''Harry, come here!''

And within seconds the red dressed pirate stood into the cabin, with his dangerous smirk plastered on his face again. ''Time to go with me babygirl..'' And he carried you over his shoulder, going to lock you up or something.

And so, seconds later you were sitting tied up in a chair facing a wall. It was a kinda funny scene, i swear you'd have laughed if it wasn't you in that chair.

''Soooo...'' You started, tapping your foot in a oncomftarble rythm. ''What is going to happen to me?'' Harry smirked, carefully sliding his hook over the left side of your face. ''I don't really know, babygirl. And we both won't have to find out if you just pay us back'' You laughed, being impressed by his  way of intimidating you and how ridiculous his idea sounded. No one can lock a Sparrow up for too long. ''I'm sorry pretty boy but i'm sorta broke. Oh, and by the way please don't call me babygirl anymore. It's freaking me out!''

You saw how the looks on his face changed.He stepped away, his fists clenched and looking like he  could punch everything around you. ''Count to ten often helps'' You murmured. And it wasn't your best set of the day. He stared at you, his face still full of frustration and anger ''What?''. Oh you are in trouble girl! The stupid you being you made a wink, thinking it'd save you from every problem your'e in right now. Harry stared in confusion at you, you didn't know what to do so you just gave him an over friendly smile. He started to laugh. ''I hate it that can't be mad at you Y/n.''

Harry sighed ¨Uma is going to hate me for this..'' He made the ropes loose and helped you standing up. You batted with your Y/ec eyes and moved closer to his ear, signing you had some secret to tell. He bowed down a little, making it easier for you to get to his ear. But instead you attacked him in a passionate kiss totally overwhelming him. It took him a little time to progress what was happening but he gladly joined in. To be honest he always had a little crush on you. You smiled deepening the kiss and pushing him into the chair behind him. You held his hands continuing the sweet kiss. Suddenly he stopped, looking shocked at you. ''Y/n, what did ye do?'' You smirked, getting of his lap and showed him that you tied him up. ''And i'm going to take this with me now..'' You showed him his hook now in your hands. You took a sword and ran up to the deck ready to fight if it was necessarry. Luckily for you no one payed attention to You. You stood on the edge of the ship, ready to jump and escape back to your amazing life.

''You idiots! That's our prisoner get her!'' Uma pointed at you with Harry close behind her.

You smirked, they're already too late and they know that too. They're just not brave enough to admit it.  You pointed at Harry, making the whole crew go quiet.

''Remember this day as the day you almost got captain Y/n Sparrow!'' You let yourself fall into the waters. But the crew never heard a splash.'' Harry looked over the edge of the boat seeing no trace of you. He looked at the other pirates who had still hope getting you. ''She escaped, again.''

Soooooo what do you think? BTW have you guys seen the teaser of descandents 3? so cool! what do you guys think what will happen? PS. you can always leave your ideas for the next imagagine in the comics. xxxxxxxx

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