Break (up) - Harry

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Youre the daughter of the queen of hearts and you are in a fight with your boyfriend harry once again                                                                                                                                                                                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

''Ye know what? I'm out, bye Y/n!''

Harry stormed out of the room, just like many times before. I sat down on my bed, covering my face with my shaking hands. Since we're in Auradon we keep having fights, about everything you can think about. I just don't want to loose him, we are together since we're ten. He's the only one who knows me, who cares about me. Everytime he leaves after a fight i can't help myself but keep thinking about our silly games and shared secrets. But the fights and stories is the only thing what happens between us on the moment. I wish I could ignore all of it, I just want to be madly in love with him. And it's not like we can easily talk about this, him being the son of Captain Hook and me the daughter of of the Queen of Hearts we both usually avoid the emotions who have nothing in common with happiness, pride or anger.

A tear escaped my eyes as i made the descesion to text Harry and tell him the bad news. I told Him that I want to meet up in the gardens in 20 minutes.

A half hour later i was back in my room again, but being a whole new person. I can't believe i did it, i broke up with Harry. Everything has stopped. We don't exist anymore, everything we shared dissapeared with just a few words. And i know it's not only his fault, I also ruined it. But it won't change anything. I don't even want to try to hope for something new again. We are over.

The next day I saw him standing by the lockers, his face darkend by the red hoodie he was wearing. He looks up, seeing me stare at him with pain in my eyes. But it doesn't affect him, he just pretends i'm stranger. He walks away, my mind filling up with many questions.

The whole day i could'nt help myself but getting as many glimpses of Harry as i could. The same sentence keeps repeating itself in my mind, Im not his anymore and he's not mine. But i saw his eyes, i saw his quivering lip. He pretends to be strong but he's just as hurt as me. I hate that this was the only descision. 

I'm out in the park, getting some fresh air what i used to do with Harry.......                                        But he's not in my storybook anymore. Friends keep asking me how i am, they think i lost a part of myself with dumping him. I tell them no but deep down even i know they're true. 

Two months later and i'm still heart broken. The stupidest part is that this is all my fault, i had to be so stubborn just because i don't know how to agree with someone else.

I was sitting in the gardens, sketching everything i could think of. I'ts a great hobby i have developed since it is over. It helps me to think, and i'm not that bad either.

I placed my sketchbook next to me, gazing at the early stars in the twilight trying to just understand why i need to be so stupid. 

While drowing into y thoughts a loud sound arubtly awakend me. I turned around seeing it was a dog who craved for some attention. I rolled my eyes ignoring the creature, let's say animals are'nt a weak spot of mine. But that thing didn't stop with that frustrating bark of it!

''Could you shut up? Some people want to hear more than your shitty barking!''

The dog stared at me, almost knewing i have a bad temper. and to make it all worse he grabbed my book and ran away!, also barking if you're wondering...

I followed the dog, screaming i'd personally cut his head off and stuff like that.

After a few minutes of good screaming, threatening and running the dog placed my art book on the ground and left. I wanted to follow him but i quickly got distracted by the beautiful place i turned out to be. i smiled at the sight of the fairy tights in heart shapes and the smell of red roses.

''sorry.'' A famillair voice softly squeeked.

I gave a soft smile at Harry, feeling like the worst ex girlfriend  a boy could ever get in his life. ''I guess i'm sorry too..''

He opened his arms, already regretting his gestures in fair of failure. ''Hug?''

I somehow giggled, gladly taking his offer and jumping right into his arms. And a big smile appeared on both of our faces, he started to stare at me. Enjoying the height diffrence between us. ''I've missed this..'' I softly whispered, knowing is was stupid to say because i was the one who broke up. His identical smirk was plastered on his face again. I raised a brow, knowing that that grin only caused trouble. ''What are you up t-

Before i could finish he kissed me with full passion on the lips. ''And i missed that.'' He told with a loveable grin

Soooo, what do you think? I promise i'll try to update more, there is just much on my mind right now. Tell me what you think, I love to hear tips. and srry for the bad grammar auto correct is not working and english isnt my first language so rlly srry!!!!!!! Btw, tell me what is better first person? (the way i wrote this one) or when i use the word you. Also tell me about someone you do not like and also why, no names required (ill also tell mine if you want to ;)). I just like to know it for a new imagine. also tell your ideas for a new chapter i LOVE to hear them.

Thomas Doherty/ Harry Hook X readerWhere stories live. Discover now