Rain~ Rakki Aisuru (oc) x MaleReader

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//I tried my best to make it sad and stuff, and tried to make it kinda seke for both my oc and reader-chan. But I don't think it mattered lol. (Basic image of Rakki above. Its Shion from No.6, but he also made a good face claim for my precious Rakki baby. Image ain't mine obvi.)

The rapid pitter patter of the rain was loud, but not loud enough to block out the humming of a male, the tune he hummed was the chorus of his favourite song. He looked out his bedroom window, missing a specific and special someone, someone who swept him off his feet, Rakki Aisuru. He had magnificent and soft brown hair, it wasn't too short, but a fair length, at least thats what Y/n thought, not to mention his blue eyes, like a infinite sky they shone. These were what Y/n thought at the very least, and his smile, his smile was the whole reason he fell for Rakki in the first place, that smile swept him off his feet, it made him feel so much more alive than he ever felt. Y/n was in deep, he was well aware of it. Y/n could never forget the day he saw that smile...

A familiar head full of soft brown hair walked into the small flower store. Y/n turned his head towards they male and felt his lip curl up slightly. "Oh hello Mr.Flower Shop Worker." Rakki said to Y/n. Y/n blushed lightly and looked towards the ground after waving his hand lightly. Y/n noticed his features, very handsome and with a slight feminine look, pretty, that was the perfect word to describe him. He had seen him many times before, but never really took the male in before, until now of course. "Do you have any Lilies?" Asked Rakki. Y/n hummed and scanned through the assortments of flowers in his head. Then Y/n went to the back of the shop, leaving a confused Rakki. Y/n came back with a grin, hiding something behind his back. Rakki raised and eyebrow, curiosity hitting him, then Y/n pulled out a bouquet of what he asked for. Rakki gasped, Y/n handed them towards Rakki over the counter that separated them. Rakki sniffed them, and hummed happily. He looked at Y/n and smiled. That smile, it was the day Y/n fell hard, and he never stopped falling, that smile made him smile too, at that moment he felt that, his smile, was the reason he now lived. "Thank you! Uhm.. can I get you name?" Asked Rakki. "Y/n." Y/n said with a friendly smile on his face. "Im Rakki if ya didn't know." Said Rakki. "Oh- how much will these cost?" Asked Rakki. "It's on me, my little lily." Y/n said getting his flirt game on. Rakki blushed slightly and smiled slightly. "Thank you Flower Boy~" Rakki hummed happily and exited the cute shop. Y/n sighed happily and fist pumped into the air. Outside, in the window he saw Rakki peer at him and giggle at Y/n's actions.

Oh, how Y/n wished he could turn back time right now. This morning he was looking out his window, now he is looking at the most disgusting thing he has ever seen...

After a few weeks after the whole Lily fiasco, Rakki asked Y/n out of the blue, and Y/n gladly accepted. Him and Rakki were doing great, little dates here and there, picnic under the stars, little play dates at the park, make out sessions at home, or just cuddles on someones couch. Y/n was happy, then everything dropped after two weeks, he started making these random excuses to not go on a date, it was obvious they were excuses too, Rakki was horrible at lying. "Uh uhm.. My grandmother is sick and I want to go help her out." Rakki doesn't have a grandmother. Y/n thought nothing of it, maybe he just had some silly show on and didn't want to hurt Y/n's feeling. But today, right now, he realized how silly he was.

Muffled moans came from the room that belonged to Rakki, and Y/n was not in there with him. 'Maybe he is just- nah.. it's hopeless..' Y/n thought to himself. Y/n got bored of staring at the rain, so he came to see Rakki and get some cuddles and kisses from him, but, now he started regret coming here, but then again he didn't. The sounds of the rain couldn't even block out the moans. Which made Y/n frustrated, he didn't know if he should leave, or bust him. He growled lowly, he then stomped towards Rakki's room, everything went in slow motion, his feet smacking against the floor synced with the rapid rain outside. He gripped the handle and swung the door open, the sight before him was not pretty, it was disgusting. "You're one disgusting and deranged Lily Rakki Aisuru." Y/n said then walked out fast, out the front door, and into the rain, where he ran, and cried, he couldn't tell which was which on his face anymore, rain or tears. He fell into a puddle on the sidewalk and sat there, and sobbed, loudly, cried, let out all his feelings. He was louder than the rain. The worst part was that Rakki never looked at him when he burst inti the room, or came to look for him. Rakki Aisuru was a cheater, a disgusting person, he was much worse than the rain, worse than a storm, he was Rakki Aisuru. A disgusting and deranged lily.

// ah- i tried to make it sad, i feel like a i failed, anyways earlier i read a sad af male reader Oneshot, and im like now im sad, welp time to write XD
Its also 3 am again. Haha...

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