"Ohh Baby i forgot, i need to get some papers from Mr.Lee. Can we go there first to get it then were proceed to our family time?" Jungkook asked and Jimin just smiled of course he will say yes, Jungkook is still busy after the deal in europe and Mr.Lee is one of their most important partners and as a future part of the Jeon's he needs to be a understandable Wife. Jimin look back to check the kids, their kids and smiled he will take care of his family.

"I knew it" Joongki said... Hyemi and Soeul are asleep. Joongki is always on Jimin's side because Jimin always come with him during his basket ball games, and sometimes all of them will go and cheer for him. Joongki is happy when he is watching his parents all lovey dovey, sharing little kisses where they though they were alone. He never see his dad being that happy after his mom died but thanks to his appa that came into their life that makes all of them happy, Jungkook never come home late, they always have a weekly family day and Jungkook will always have free time to play or help them with their assignments and projects. Joongki will always thought that maybe their Jimin appa is a real Cheonsa like what Soeul always called him.

They arrived at Mr.Lee's hotel and they went inside to meet him Jungkook asked them to wait for him at the waiting room when Joongki, Hyemi and Soeul started to pull him inside a big room.

"Hey kids!! What are we doing here were not allowed here!!! Come on lets go out of here!!!" Jimin is pulling his kids out of the room when someone knocks and opened the door, he is ready to apologies when he saw Taehyung wearing a suit with bow tie with other people behind him.

"Hi there Jimin, ready for the wedding?!! Kids!!! Go to your room now, see you later!! Say bye to your appa, now go!!!" Taehyung shoo the kids away then went inside with all the staff that will help Jimin to changed and prepare him for his wedding later.

"W-wedding?" Jimin is shocked this is not what he expects for a family day, He is happy of course today is his wedding day but he is nervous and he needs Jungkook but Taehyung grab his phone and hide it inside his pocket. Telling Jimin not to talk to Jungkook for a while and be calm, assuring him that everything will be fine. All the staff started to work, preparing Jimin's white suit that was already prepared 2 months ago. A staff asked Jimin to relax and just close his eyes, so he did and just trust the lady with her magic.


The wedding hall is full of people who is wearing suits and elegant gowns, full of Jimin' favorite flowers, the organizer really follows what the couple wants. They just invited those people who are close to them and some of the media because Jungkook is proud that he will get married with Jimin. His late wife parents are also invited, they met Jimin before and they really like him asked to be a good husband and mom to their daughters kids. Jungkook is nervous really nervous, Jin and Namjoon is standing beside him waiting for Jimin and Taehyung since both of them doesn’t have parents anymore Jin and Namjoon will be the one walk beside Jungkook and Taehyung as Jimin's best friend will be the one who will walks before him. Joongki looks like his dad very much even the nose he is smiling and excited, he can see how happy his dad is. Hyemi is wearing a royal blue gown that Jimin pick and her hair is braided with a flower crown on top of it. Soeul is wearing a red gown, she pick it up herself telling them that it was his dad favorite color, since her hair is not that long like hyemi's the stylist just put the flower crown on top of his silky hair.

Taehyung arrived with his famous box smile and send a thumbs up to Jungkook, Jimin is there his Jimin and he is wishing that Jimin is not mad and run away because of his surprise. Jungkook is really frustrated when he got a call from Europe 2 months ago, 1 week before their wedding so Jungkook called Jin to resume the wedding on the day he will arrive back in seoul asking his step-brother to make it a secret to Jimin.

The Officiator is Yoongi, he introduced Jungkook and all of them started to walk to the aisle. Jungkook is proud on how behave Joongki is smiling to his father then give him a thumbs up, Hyemi is shy but still walks to the aisle running to his dad and kissing him on the cheeks, Soeul is playing around throwing the flower petals from her basket, giggling but still finish her walk. After that was Taehyung wearing his box smile waving to other people like he was a presidential candidate.

"Dont worry he is there, though he told me to kick your ass later for making him cry" Taehyung said tapping his best friends shoulder who is trying to keep calm his damn fucking nerves, it was his second time to get married but this one is different he is going to get married with the man he loves the most and the man who loved and accept him and his kids. His Park Jimin, soon to be Jeon Jimin.

Jimin is shaking he don’t know if he can just go and run away or hide somewhere and then he remembers Jungkook waiting for him. They planned for this and hes getting married now, Jimin hold his bouquet Taehyung insist him to hold with the picture of his parents he look at it and smiled, he knows both of them is beside him ready to give their son to Jeon Jungkook. Jimin breath in and out 3 times and signaled the door man to open it, he gasped when he saw the wedding hall he and Jungkook planned thanks to the organizer that help them for this. Jimin take his first step followed by the next shorts steps and stop on the middle, Jungkook was shocked, he look at Jimin who is looking at him too and smile. Jimin stop at the middle because he heard someone whispered to his ears.

"Congratulations My prince... Be happy and take care of your family"

"I love you so much Jimin, son... Thank you for everything. Mom and I will keep watching and guiding the both of you, tell Jungkook were thankful that he found you. I love you son, We love you.. Now go, and get married"

Jimin got teary but still smiling, his parents is there with him watching him to get married. Jungkook was about to walk towards him but Jimin shake his head and mouthed "Im okay" then smile again and starts to walk towards the man of his dreams. Yoongi started on his job as the couples officiator, Joongki gave them the rings and Jimin and Jungkook prepare their vows.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, take you, Park Jimin, to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Jungkook said and put the gold ring to Jimin's ring finger and then kiss it. Jimin whispered "Thank and I love you" after that. He exhaled now is his turn.

"I, Park Jimin, take you, Jeon Jungkook, to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward,-" Jimin is crying and he calm himself again then continue looking at Jungkook

"for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Jimin keeps on stuttering but able to finish his vow he smiled and put the ring on Jungkook's he heard Jungkook whispering "I love you and Thank you" to him.  Both of them smiled wiping each others tears careful not to ruin their make up.

"As the Officiator with all the guest who is here with us to witnessed this great and special event for my friend Jungkook and Jimin, I am now presenting to each and everyone of you Mr. and Mr. Jeon. Jeon Jungkook you may now kiss your husband Jeon Jimin" Yoongi said and the newly wedded couple bow to him and say thank you, they both look at each other and smiled.

"Hi, Jeon Jimin...... My Queen"

"Hi, Jeon Jungkook..... My King"

Jungkook pulled Jimin into a kiss, their first kiss as married couple. It was the pure one Jimin always want and craved, no lust and unecessary moves just pure kiss with full of love and passion for each other. They both stop because they knew its enough for a while, they still have a reception to attend to.

"Come on baby, we still have a flight to catch on.. " Jungkook said tugging Jimin's sleeves while they are talking to thier friends and Jimin look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Baby... Honeymoon..." Jungkook said that made his husband blushed and their friends snorts teasing on how Jungkook look so excited for that. Jimin dont remember anything about their plan for a honeymoon because Jungkook said its the most easiest thing to decide. So he is not sure about the flight Jungkook was talking about. Getting push out of their own party by their own kids and friends, Jungkook pick up Jimin on bridal style and make their way to the parking lot.

My Stripper, My Nanny, My Future // JiKook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now