Chapter 22

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"Marren, Luke is not in the mafia."

"But what if he is? And Derek is the leader! WAIT NO! He's an assassin! And Derek is the big head dude assassin. And Luke was finally able to find peace within his core. At least enough to know that what he was doing is wrong. So after his little self epiphany, he left the assassin organization and tried to live a normal life. And now, Derek is pissed and wants him back because he was the greatest assassin the organization ever had." Marren explained her long explanation for what we had overheard in the mall.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure it's just some stupid boy thing." I concluded.

"Wow. Someone is no fun." She scoffed taking a sip of her soda. "But if it's not some stupid boy thing, you can guarantee I will find out what it is."

"Honestly Marren, I don't put it past you or doubt your abilities." I chuckled.

We sat in a comfortable silence with sounds of different conversations swirling around us. For some it seems to be a normal day. Nothing strange happening and nothing strange going to happen. At some points now I wish I could say the same thing about me. But if Marren has taught me anything, what's to life if there is nothing to make it interesting?

I would definitely prefer to sit down in a quiet relaxing environment, but I have discovered an exhilarating feel to living in a different scenario than what you are used to. And....what is so entirely wrong with having just a little fun once in a while?

"Marren," My voice rang out accompanied by a smirk I thought only Luke could manage. "I think I have a plan."


"You see now? It's so simple. I call him to do our little tutoring session and butter him up a bit. Let him move up in technique and then ease the information out of him." 

"Since when were you so maniacal, Pey? I like it!" Marren rubbed her hands together and jumped up and down on my bed.

The entire way home, I explained my plan to Marren. Knowing Luke will not tell me everything I want to know, I will have to get it out of him. But, I can't simply tell him I heard him talking earlier either. Instead I will give him what he wants. Think of it as the act of appeasement and World War II.

When Germany began to want more territory, they threatened countries with means of aggression. Most countries during this time were suffering from extreme economical decline and by no means could afford another war. Instead, they gave Germany what they wanted. But of course they did still plummet into war, but that's not the point here.

My plan is enacting on two sides of appeasement. I give Luke what he wants, to move up in manipulation techniques. And in turn, Luke will give me what I want, information on his secret with Derek. This way, much like the countries attempting to avoid war, I will attempt to avoid potentially awkward conversations as well as losing all chances of ever discovering what is behind their "plan".

"There is only one flaw. It's nothing major, but something that could definitely impact your original plans."

"Which is?" I asked grabbing my phone to prepare the call.

"Won't he suspect something? You acting differently that is. He knows you as someone who can't stand him. And someone who would never call you especially to meet up out of the blue. Also, I hate to brake it to you Peyton, but you aren't exactly the do I put it-"

"One to change their mind so quickly? Yeah. I know. But for some reason, hanging out with him yesterday was different. He's tolerable now. Someone, I would call out of the blue to hang out with." I ran my fingers through my hair releasing the frustration I held inside. "And besides, curiosity is my one weakness."

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