Chapter 3

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"To have a game, you need more than one player."

By now I had completely filled my lose leaf sheet of notebook paper with random doodles holding no meaning. All the while the words spoken by Luke repeated in my mind.

So much had happened after he said that too. So much that now seemed like something small that had a huge impact.


"To have a game, you need more than one player." Luke growled, his face mere centimeters from mine.

I felt confined being so close to him. Almost like he was holding me in a corner. It gave me an extremely uncomfortable feeling that felt....comfortable.

Which makes no sense at all.

And what does he mean by game? What game am I playing?

"Game?" I blurted in a slightly angry tone shoving him out of my face.

He stumbled back pushing my desk towards me.

"What game? I am not playing any game! The way I do things? That's not a game! You chasing me from desk to desk around this room - that's a game. Me leading you on - that's a game. And it was a game I beat you at. But this, my life, it's not game." I said moving my hands throughout the air overly pissed with Luke.

"Oh but it is. You just don't realize it. Come on Pey, nowadays everything's a game. Don't you see it? Everything. Literally everything around you is a game that has to be played correctly. Wanting to get extra points on a test - it's a game. Trying to hit all the green lights while driving somewhere - it's a game. What you did to that nerdy hall monitor today - it was a game. A game you played well." Luke said moving closer to me.

Soon he was right in front of me. His face looking down at mine.

I will admit he does look intimidating from this angle. He is tall. Compared to me. But nowhere near crazy NBA basketball player tall. My guess would be somewhere around 5'10. I'm 5'7 which I'm told is pretty tall.

"Granted you play well. But you are playing wrong." Luke finished in a hushed tone.

I didn't say anything. I just stared. I couldn't really help it. His dark bright blue eyes lingered on my chocolate brown ones. I didn't like the guy but boy he is a charmer. Just unfortunately not a gentlemen.

After he came to realization that I was not going to say anything, he went back to his desk and sat down. He picked up his pencil and began twirling it between his fingers. A pass time that I too enjoyed.

I stayed standing for a few seconds longer adjusting my gaze over to where Luke sat. He didn't return my gaze. So I sat down and continued doodling.

*end of flashback*

I shook my head and looked at the clock on the wall.

What am I doing? I can't read clocks.

Don't judge. I just never grasped the whole this finger does this and that finger does that. Or is it hands? Whatever. I have digital watches and my phone. How first world of me.

"Okay get out of my classroom. Do drugs. Go to a party. Whatever the hell high schoolers do." Mr. Seeder said walking into the classroom and sitting down at his desk.

"None if the above except getting out if your classroom thank you." I said slinging my bag over my shoulder and throwing my doodle page away.

Mr. Seeder than looked at Luke.

"Dude, I'm not a druggie, or much of a party person. Stop stereotyping." Luke said grabbing his bag.

I walked up to Mr. Monotone-is-my-language and stuck my hand out in front of me.

"Ms. Stiller I don't tip my students for sitting in my classroom."

"No I just want my phone back."

"You will receive your phone on Monday."

"Monday?!" I exclaimed.

Sorry but I can't make it an entire weekend without my baby. That flat touchscreen holds my entire life.

"Sir how about you just give Peyton and I our phones then we will be out of your hair - err hairs?" Luke said examining Mr. Seeder'a almost bald head.

"Mr. Marshal you out of all people would know it's my rule."

"But sir, Peyton needs her phone. You see her grandmother is currently in the hospital and she needs it in case her mother tries to contact her. Taking it away from her would only cause many family issues." Luke said his voice softening and his arm wrapping around my waist pulling me into a side hug "for comfort".

I gave him a questioning look but he only winked.

I turned to Mr. Seeder and nodded. "It's true." I said sniffling.

Might as well play the part.

I turned on the waterworks and allowed a single tear to drip down the side of my face.

"Oh Pey don't cry." Luke said surprising me by pulling me into a full on hug smashing me against his body. My head laid against his chest as I "sobbed" and he soothingly rubbed circles on my back.

I hate to say it. I shouldn't say. It's bad. Really really bad.

This is the best hug I have ever been given. Even if it's not a real genuine hug. It's so - cuddly. I feel so secure and just. I love hugs! I just don't like people. See my issue?

"You do seem to need it. So I guess I can bend the rules, but only this once. And only Peyton can have her phone." Mr. Seeder reached into his coat pocket to pull out my phone but first pulled out Luke's. "Must be in the other pocket."

He threw down Luke's phone on his desk as he searched for mine. Knowing he would only take it back, I quickly grabbed his phone and placed it subtly in Luke's hand. He grabbed the phone and gave my hand a squeeze.

"Thank you." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my body.

"Don't say I never did anything for you." I replied giving him a small smile.

Just because I don't like the guy doesn't mean I will be a total bitch to him. Maybe 2/3 of a bitch, but not a total full on bitch.

"Here you go Ms. Stiller. I hope your grandmother get well soon."

"Thank you sir." I said wiping away non existent tears.

Luke and I then walked out of the classroom and down the halls.

"Just in case you were wondering. That was guilt." Luke murmured looking straight ahead.


"Guilt. One of the things I use. You make them feel guilty for doing something and they will do anything for you. Simple yet effective."

"Thanks for that. I wouldn't have survived without my phone. I had no idea that detention on Fridays meant no phone until Monday."

"Don't mention it. And thanks for snagging my phone."

"Don't mention it." I said smiling.

We both pushed open the school doors and walked out into the brisk air. I began walking in the direction of my house when Luke called out after me.

"Hey Pey."

"It's Peyton." I said tired if him using that nickname.

"Sure whatever. Take this." He said handing me a small slip of paper. "Keep me updated on your grandma yeah?" He said grinning and turning to walk towards the parking lot.

"But my grandma isn't dying! What's that supposed to mean?" I called out.

He didn't respond. I just heard him laugh and he waved at me grinning that grin of his, showcasing his dimples and perfect teeth.

I looked down at the slip if paper and saw a phone number scribbles down and small note in the back.

"I left you alone and you promised some digits. A deals a deal right? Just wishing you had remembered and given me yours." - Luke

I giggled when I read his small note.

I giggled?
I giggled!? Why the hell am I giggling?
I don't giggle. Giggling is weird. How does one giggle? Why does one giggle? Why was I giggling over a short meaningless note? Why does giggle not sound like a word anymore? Why did giggling never sound like a word. I don't know if I should say the world needs more or less giggling!

I sighed and started my long walk home.

I fell face first onto my bed and let out a long loud moan.

"I thought I said no more cows in the- oh it's just you."

"Stacy it wasn't me who brought the cow home, that was Nasher."

"Oh right. I get you and your brother confused a lot." Stacy said.

"I know." I mumbled my face still smushed on my comforter.

Stacy is my sister. She is 23 about to turn 24 and is still living with us while she finds her own place to live. She takes after my mom and has dark brown curly hair and greenish eyes.

Nasher is my younger brother. He is 16 and a sophomore at my high school. He and I both take after my dad. Blonde hair, brown eyes, dimples, tall and lanky. Well, he isn't lanky. He is muscular because he was tired of being called lanky. He is one of those people who is dependent upon what people think of him. I really wish he wasn't.

And yes he really did bring home a cow and tried to hide it in his closet.

"Well anyways, your friend Merida is downstairs." Stacy said.

"It's Marren."

"But she looks like Merida!" Stacy wined.

I pulled myself off my bed and trudged downstairs where I saw Marren talking to my other brother Jared on the couch.

Yes I have another brother. Two others actually. Twins to be exact. Jared and Justin. Both 15. They both took after my mom like Stacy all except the hair. They both have light brown hair. Not quite dark, but not quite blonde. And they both have the same green eyes and dimples.

We are a dimpley family.

"Hey Marren. Meet me upstairs, I'll grab some food."

"Okey dokey artachokey." She giggled and bounced upstairs.

Giggle still doesn't sound like a word.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a box if Oreos, some goldfish and two sodas.

"Can I have a cookie?" A high pitched voice asked.

I looked down and saw My younger sister Amber tugging on my jeans.

My parents need to stop having kids.

Okay I promise this is the last kid. At least I hope. Amber is 5 years old and was a bit of a surprise to everyone. She was not a mistake though. We love her to death and are so glad she was born. We just weren't expecting her. She looks just like me but 5 and is the cutest 5 year old I have ever seen. No bias intended.

"Of course!" I said handing her an Oreo as she ran of and plumped down next to Jared who started tickling her.

My family of freaks and dorks. I love it!

I grabbed the snack food and headed upstairs where I fell once again onto the comfort of my bed.

"So how was your date with Luke Marshal?" Marren asked.

"For like the bagilienth time is was detention, not a date." I moaned.

"DID MY COW COME BACK?" Nasher yelled bursting into my room.

"I'M FREAKIN MOANING NOT MOOING!!" I yelled back chucking a pillow at him.

"Can I please join your family?" Marren laughed.

"I'd love that but I don't think my parents can handle a seventh." I laughed.

"They are still pretty young for having six kids. 46 isn't bad." Marren commented.

My parents had Stacy when they were her age. High school and college sweethearts one graduating as a lawyer, the other as a doctor. My parents have been pretty successful and as you may have guessed, adore children.

"Okay back to the date-"
"Whatever. What was it like? Did he smile? Did he talk? Did you both talk? Did you both talk to each other? Should I start looking for a maid of honor dress? I think I hear wedding bells!"

"Marren no! Stop! That's weird! Yes we talked but - it wasn't important stuff." I lied. It was pretty damn important but not something that Marren would care about.

"Whatever. At least you talked!"

"What happened to your others plans anyways?" I asked her.

"Canceled them. I wanted to hang with you instead."

Marren and I spent the rest of the day hanging out. Most if it consisted of her listing the years 'sexiest men alive' and her opinions on them. An average conversation held by her.

But even at the end of the day when Marren had left, Luke's words still haunted me.

And his number.

Should I text him? Or should I dispose of it.

I just pray I don't run into him on Monday and everything can be normal again.

Actress for Marren is off to the side (Actress: Lily Cole this one was extremely hard to pick! So I focused on her curly red hair!) >>

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