Chapter 10

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~ I want to dedicate this chapter to GottaBeYou. This girl works her booty off to put out a new chapter almost every single day! Not to mention is one of the best writers I know of on this site. And if you don't read her stories, then I strongly suggest you do! She had recently dedicated one of her own chapters to me and I had no idea how to thank her. She is such an amazing person and is always appreciative of the comments I give her. I know this isn't as much of a thanks as I wish I could give her, but its certainly something!


Never have those secret agent games I've played with my siblings in my younger years ever showed to be more useful then they are now. The last bell of the day just rang releasing mobs of hungry, tired, and bored teens from the school building. I've been keeping against the walls watching the crowd very carefully for a very specific person.

Just make it to the parking lot, then you can sprint home.

Yes Peyton, because flats are the best choice of running wear. I especially like the great arch support they provide. And the loud click-clackety bottoms make for easy escapes.

Rounding the hall corner, I hid behind a pillar when I saw the target of main avoidance standing near the entrance. Luke seemed to be looking around, scanning the crowds. I want to guess he is looking for one of his friends, but I know all too well his glances are strictly in search of me. Hooray.

The pillar I hid myself behind was large enough to hide my entire body. My small fingers gripped the edge, my head peering around. If he was lucky he could pick me out of the crowd, but it wouldn't be easy.

"Why are you smelling the brick post?"

I screamed loudly jumping straight out of my skin as the whisper landed on my neck.

"Hey Peyton!" I heard Luke call out. Nuggets.

"Seriously Pey what's with the post sniffing? This is weirdo than the chalk phase, but since I am your friend I will support you but also call you in for therapy." Marren said like a rehearsed intervention leader.

"Nuggets Marren! Why did you scare me like that?"

"Because Peyton I care about your health. And sniffing public posts is not the best way to avoid the dangers of bacteria."

"Peyton!" I heard Luke call again, this time closer.

"I have to go! See you later Marren?"

"Oh come on you know I'll be at your house before you." I laughed at her very accurate comment then took off for the one of the schools other entrances.

"Wait a minute," I heard Marren say as I gained speed. "Run Luke run! Catch her! She's not that fast when she's in a dress and flats!"

Thanks for the friendly support Marren. You get a gold medal for loyalty.

Straight, right, right, straight, left, exit! I mannered my way through the halls my flats clicking loudly with each step.

"Peyton why the hell are you running?" Luke yelled. He sounded far away, possibly at the other end of the hall.

"Because you are chasing me!" I yelled back.

"No running in the halls." Mr. Seeder mumbled with no emotion while reading a book as I flew by.

"Sorry Mr. Seeder!"

"I don't actually care!" He said back with the same monotone voice.

I threw open the door and continued to sprint through the parking lot. I leaped like a gazelle over some bushes the action made possible through many years of gymnastics. 5 minutes later I was it of breath, and doubled over on the side walk. No Luke in sight.

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