Chapter 11

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I never really did completely relax as we drove along to an unknown destination in Luke's car.

The question that hangs over my head right now is whether or not I trust him. Of course I trusted him on our date thing, so why should I not trust him now? I guess a part if me still thinks about how easily people can change.

"Why are you starting me off with damn puppy eyes? I can easily do puppy eyes! Teach me something like seduction or your little persuasion thing! Not something so simple minded as puppy dog eyes! I'm not some dumb kindergartener!" His whining completely contradicting his last statement.

I sighed knowing it would be hard to explain this to him. "It may be the easiest of all my tactics, but that doesn't mean it's not hard. Just keep that in mind."

"Yes but I already know how to use my eyes for things. I do it all the time! How different can puppy eyes be?" He scoffed refocusing on the road.

"You'll be surprised. I bet it takes you at least two hours to get a hold of the general concept. But even longer to master." I replied.

I focused my attention to the surrounding area outside of the car. Normally I can recognize where I am. I know every inch of my town, and know each turn by heart. Which leads me to believe we are no longer in town.

The road Luke was taking us down was completely unfamiliar to me. Street signs held new names, and afternoon joggers held new faces.

I think I've decided to trust him. At least a little. He didn't do anything bad to me on the date. So why would he now?

"Please Peyton? Teach me something else?" I turned to face Luke once more and was met by the most hilarious site I have ever witnessed.

In his obvious attempt to use the puppy eyes on me, he failed miserably. His eyes were strained in a way that exerted pain, not pleading. His eyebrows were raised in an angry fashion and his lips were pouted as if he was trying to mimic the way most girls take selfies.

His struggle with the motion made me burst out laughing.

"What?" He asked slightly offended by my excessive laughter.

"Your-your face! Was so funny! Do it again! Please!" I continued laughing as Luke parked the car in what looked like a park parking lot.

"What was so funny about it? I did perfect puppy eyes." His proud remark sent me into an even louder laughing attack.

"P-perfect? Luke! You- oh never mind! Just do it again so I can get a picture of it!"

"Was it that bad?" he sighed getting out of the car. I followed exiting my side and walking around the car to meet him.

"It was worse than you can imagine." I stifled another laugh as he glared down at me.

He was leaning against his car, arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face.

"Oh come on Luke don't be like that! I guess, since you are kind of forcing me, I can help you fix it." I copied his stance leaning on the car next to him. "So since I need to get home pretty soon. We should start now. What did you have in mind for how we go about doing this?" I had never really figured out how I was supposed to teach him my methods. I just guessed he had a plan.

"Allow me to show you." He held out his arm which I hooked mine around, hesitantly but also gladly. Once again he was acting like the Luke I liked.

We walked through the park arms linked together until he stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" I questioned looking about.

"There!" Luke whispered pointing over to an elderly couple by the pond.

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